Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Ok it's not a severe coffee lapse. I think I have the flu. At first I thought MUST HAVE COFFEE, then I though I was having a really bad fibromyalgia flare up, but that doesn't make me sick to my stomach. It really sucks when you cant tell if youre just in flare or really sick. I tried to walk the horses out to pasture. I'm to weak to hold onto them, so I struggled to get them some hay. Man I feel like crud! Thankfully I only had to feed babies and kiddo will take care of adults tonight before baseball. Oh man I hope baseball gets rained out.
Aww feel better!
Quote: hubby loves his Bunn....I don't do coffee, I am a soda/tea/water type person.

another little tolbunt just popped out of its shell
Flocks sorry you arent feeling well.
BB practice is rained out for your sake.

Madam I love my pod brewers too, coffee is a MUST have around these parts. Then again so is sweet tea lol

So shipped 5 boxes yesterday and 4 of the 5 have arrived! I was hoping for a 5 of 5, but hey iits the USPS afterall so 4 of 5 is doing great.
I also don't function without coffee. I found a quote on pinterest that summed it up -- it was something like Coffee: The difference between "speak to me and die" and "Good Morning, Honey."

I haven't seen Tolbunt eggs at a decent price anywhere! It amazes me. However, I was floored when I heard back about some Mottled Orpingtons I asked about. I found another farm online so I emailed about eggs -- the response was that they only sell straight run chicks. Please join the waiting list. They will be available some time late summer....$200 per chick.
I don't care if you imported them from Mars...how many people are really going to pay $200 per chick and purchase the minimum needed for safe shipping? I would think selling them even at $50 since it is an import they'd recoup their money faster by selling more than selling them at that price.
I also don't function without coffee. I found a quote on pinterest that summed it up -- it was something like Coffee: The difference between "speak to me and die" and "Good Morning, Honey."

I haven't seen Tolbunt eggs at a decent price anywhere! It amazes me. However, I was floored when I heard back about some Mottled Orpingtons I asked about. I found another farm online so I emailed about eggs -- the response was that they only sell straight run chicks. Please join the waiting list. They will be available some time late summer....$200 per chick.
I don't care if you imported them from Mars...how many people are really going to pay $200 per chick and purchase the minimum needed for safe shipping? I would think selling them even at $50 since it is an import they'd recoup their money faster by selling more than selling them at that price.
Holy heck!!!
yeah, and I won't be buying any....I like the Tolbunts but they are not high on my list of chickens to have at the moment....though if I were offered eggs I probably wouldn't turn them down, lol!
I don't know too many people who would pay $120+ for shipped eggs that may or may not hatch.
I can see many people paying $200 per chick. Not me... that is way too much- I tap out at a max of $100. Considering a mottled roo is at $1000 right now on RBA with 4 days and 22 hrs left to go, the $200 doesn't seem so bad for a day old chick.
Since we are on the subject of pricing, I don't know if I want to keep those lemon cuckoo orps. I have two from Papa that are about 6 weeks old and the 5 I got two weeks ago that are now about 4 weeks. I'm not sure what to charge for them if I decide to sell them. No one anywhere near me has any. Suggestions?

Of the little black chicks that came in with that batch, one had the brown on its head, eyes and wing tips. I'm thinking it will be a gold laced. It's showing more and more brown in the wings coming in, but it definitely isn't gold. If it is supposed to be, it is a terrible quality. Only one like it. It won't do me any good for breeding.
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