Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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that's the problem here. freezing cold, wet and then very next day 88-90 and HUMID! this has been the roller coaster we have been on up here above you. Right now it's flipping COLD! and I was up till after 2 am running a chicken train and picking up my speckled sussex breeder hens. Then up at 8! and COLD, did I already say that???? :caf I am in sweats and DON'T want to go outside! Have to load birds up for a big swap tomorrow and it's COLD!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you saying its not warm?? ( tee hee)

I have had a mite issue here too. I get them all gone and then since they free ranges they pick them back up. I put more de on all the favorite nesting spots. How do you make your anti bug essential oil concoction? I'd try it!
One more broody hen/hens question if you guys don't mind.  I have three (3) broody Salmon Favs now.  I have shipped eggs coming from all over the country shipping tomorrow.  LOL

How many eggs can I give to a Fav and reasonably expect them to cover them?  I've got to separate them as they are all in one nest box right now on the four eggs that my original broody was setting.  She drew blood yesterday when I was checking to make sure the last one that went broody hadn't laid another egg and was just faking it. 

Yup broodys can get a little feisty! I just moved a broody momma turkey and found out she had 6 eggs under her and not 5 like I thought. Six little stinkers popped out when I picked up momma. Of course momma is still complaining, but she needs a bigger pace with her poults and I need the cage for a broody turkey that I gave 3 eggs to last night. Seems the other girls would like her to work harder nice she's been taking up a nest box for at least a month. When I moved her I found 8 eggs. Wonder what's under the others that I still have to move!

As for your question I usually start first time Broodies on a half dozen eggs unless they are seriously pancaking out and then my son has been known to slip as many as 22 eggs under them. Guess he figures if they aren't laying they better be earning their keep another way. I guess I wouldn't do a huge amount with a first time momma though. Just make sure whatever you give them they can fully cover . I little egg peeking out is ok, but she should be able to cover them most of the way.

Male or female nj?
As for your question I usually start first time Broodies on a half dozen eggs unless they are seriously pancaking out and then my son has been known to slip as many as 22 eggs under them. Guess he figures if they aren't laying they better be earning their keep another way. I guess I wouldn't do a huge amount with a first time momma though. Just make sure whatever you give them they can fully cover . I little egg peeking out is ok, but she should be able to cover them most of the way.
Thanks, flocks. I figure since they are Favs and have lots of fluff I can easily give them a half dozen each then. Great! Any I can put under a hen, I don't have to try to incubate and brood. I'm going to slip some chicks under my original broody this weekend to see if she will take them, if she does, look out world. My big SFav cockerel better move out of her way. LOL
Do you spray your concoction directly on the birds?
I will be- haven't ever done it but vinegar will not hurt the chickens but it repels mites, lice, etc (thank the good Lord I haven't had any bird lice) and all the herbs are harmless- I use them on my family and most of the herbs the chickens love to eat anyway (especially basil) I came up with it rather than buying the overpriced, watered down "protector sprays" I figure you can do enough research and usually find a natural non-toxic solution to about anything.

for those that are wondering about my concoction.......
1 Gallon White distilled vinegar
spearmint cuttings (about 4-5)
Basil cutting (4-5)
citronella leaves (10 or so)
3 oranges peeled- use only the peels
20-30 drops of tea tree oil
15-20 drops of peppermint

let it set together for 2 days (longer if you want- I figure 2 days will get it to the point I need it)

I will let you all know how it goes... for your info I had bought the mannapro poultry protector at tractor supply and had a mite on my hand- I sprayed it with the poultry protector and it slowed it down for about 3 minutes and then it was back to crawling all around. Big waste of money!
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