Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Just wondering if people have been receiving all the swaps I have been sending out. I have only heard from a cpl people. I am curious and would like to know if they are arriving safely... Next shipment will go out Tuesday... Watch your PMs...
I will be- haven't ever done it but vinegar will not hurt the chickens but it repels mites, lice, etc (thank the good Lord I haven't had any bird lice) and all the herbs are harmless- I use them on my family and most of the herbs the chickens love to eat anyway (especially basil) I came up with it rather than buying the overpriced, watered down "protector sprays" I figure you can do enough research and usually find a natural non-toxic solution to about anything.

for those that are wondering about my concoction.......
1 Gallon White distilled vinegar
spearmint cuttings (about 4-5)
Basil cutting (4-5)
citronella leaves (10 or so)
3 oranges peeled- use only the peels
20-30 drops of tea tree oil
15-20 drops of peppermint

let it set together for 2 days (longer if you want- I figure 2 days will get it to the point I need it)

I will let you all know how it goes... for your info I had bought the mannapro poultry protector at tractor supply and had a mite on my hand- I sprayed it with the poultry protector and it slowed it down for about 3 minutes and then it was back to crawling all around. Big waste of money!

Oh, this is a WONDERFUL idea! Thanks so much for posting it. I've had very little trouble with mites despite having barn swallows -- I just DE everything constantly. But this can only help, and they'll smell so pretty!
I've heard of chickens brooding duck eggs. Is it ok to let a duck brood chicken eggs?

Oh, interesting question! I can't think why not, although both mama and chick might be a little confused when she tries to get them to swim
Has anybody done this?
I'm wondering because someone bought chicken eggs from me and put them under a duck. They told me recently that every last egg was BAD, stink bombs, exploding with just a tap on the shell. I got to thinking this morning that maybe the duck, loving water as they do, and liquidy poo as they do, perhaps the duck contaminated the eggs? After all, duck eggs are smooth and waxy feeling, and in my experience, harder to crack than chicken eggs.
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