Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Questions for you guys...... 1. How long is it reasonable to wait for "spring" eggs? and
2. as summer is upon us should we be delaying sending eggs till fall?

I have been so excited to get these swap eggs - some swapped for in October 2012 so over 6 months ago. The wait has been killing me and now I am afraid that if sent now, hatch rates will be poor as hatch rates on shipped eggs (at least to California) in Summer are virtually always dreadful.

You might also want to send people a PM as a reminder, alot of people have a lot of swaps to fill (including me) so sometimes you may get missed or just be in line somewhere and they haven't got to you yet.
oh no thats horrible we lost about 25 birds earlier this year to either a coyote or a dog and its horrible, hope you find it. So sorry to hear

Spring officially isnt over until the first day of Summer in June, which is Friday the 21st of June. Spring eggs not received by then are late.

Since not everone checks in here often, be sure you read and re-read the rules after taking breaks from swapping. There have been recent rule changes again.
yes we are are working hard to get the last of our orders out, turning down buyers for eggs and chicks as we are hatching only the leftovers for months now. We are almost there.
I'm having such a hard time sitting on my hands right now! The last batch of isbar and cochin test eggs just went in the incubator Thursday and I am so hoping to see at least some development in this set. Early last week was when I saw one of the isbar roos trying to mate with the hens (and he's started getting "growly" with Brownie, the other roo, too) so I'm hoping he managed to do his job at least a bit. If not it's chuck eggs, rinse and repeat, which is getting really monotonous

I did go ahead and let the isbar/black bresse egg hatch -- I figured what the heck, I might as well see what an isbar/brese cross is like since I've got one :) It's a cute little fuzzbucket! I keep saying I need to take pictures...

Happy Memorial Day weekend, everybody! Although it's kind of weird to wish folks a happy one. Here's hoping you have some time planned with family and friends, and all your loved ones safe and near
You might also want to send people a PM as a reminder, alot of people have a lot of swaps to fill (including me) so sometimes you may get missed or just be in line somewhere and they haven't got to you yet.

Hey krafty! I sent you a pm about 2 weeks ago regarding swaps I claimed. Did you get it?
Hey krafty! I sent you a pm about 2 weeks ago regarding swaps I claimed. Did you get it?

yes I did, and that is awesome, ty!! I will be able to sit down and go through PMs tomorrow and send out more PMS about swaps be sent the upcoming week... I only do so many at a time, because otherwise it is too overwhelming..
yes I did, and that is awesome, ty!! I will be able to sit down and go through PMs tomorrow and send out more PMS about swaps be sent the upcoming week... I only do so many at a time, because otherwise it is too overwhelming..
Don't be sending me any of that PMS you're talking about.
I get that roosters fight, but I am curious, when is it too much? I read posts about bachelor pens and see pictures of multiple roosters together, how do you keep the peace between boys? My ameracauna boys are starting to get a bit aggressive toward each other. DH said that he took them and penned them both down for a bit. I saw one of the SBEL boys pin down one of the ams, but I felt it was normal dominance play at the time. Any tips or suggestions? I was planning on having a bachelor/meat pen (supposed to be building that this weekend. If boys that are hatch mates are sparring, how do you introduce new boys?
Broke my reading glasses last night. They are just magnifying glasses, not perscription, so easy enough to ge a new pair, but what a PITA!

Need to get most of the remainder of the gardens planted today. Move some more broody turkeys and I'm waiting for my last to poults to get themselves the rest of the way out and dry, so I can put the next batch into lockdown. Going to be a busy day, but I better take some time to run into the city to get some glasses.

Oh I also found out my mare is a "disrespectful spoilt little snot." That's per the trainer. WOW! Apparently she tried to run her over, kick her, and just won't work. I've never had these issues with her. She's spooky and very timid like her dame, but when we go into new situations I keep a hand on her and its like she draws strength from me. She's never once tried to kick me and is very attuned to what I'm asking of her. She never turns her rear to me. if she did id crack it. she keeps eyes on me always. Thinking my hubby may have chosen the wrong trainer. Either that or I spoilt my horse. Our farrier has no issues with her. The vet does some, but nothing that pinching her doesn't stop. I've never had to use a chain or anything but a handy stick for guidance. I don't know. Sure hope this wasn't a bad choice.
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