Hatching my first KONZA!!!

Be next Sunday.... Renee is supposed to be putting together a list of what she has left - preds have been doing damage again. She was planning on keeping an awesome trio of Konza, just couldn't part with them as the pinnacle of her efforts... I reminded her this was to be a gene repository to preserve her work and hopefully to continue to take it forward. Want to continue to draw on her input and expertise... and anytime she finds herself wanting back in - all she has to do is ask.

I've her Choc silkied Ameracauna project about to come home - finally, not one but 2, choc(mauve) boys and enough choc/mauve pullets for 2 pens. All these (hopefully) splits to silkied. A few silkied juvies as well as a few KatCai silkied birds for some genetic diversity and improved heartiness. A gorgeous black Smith/Bhlem roo in the wings for the first gen of planned/controlled splits and outcross.

Proven choc splits for the barred rocks and marans to come back with me as well, the ones that were unproven splits proved not to be so nothing had happened with those for the last better part of 2 years. UGH! Oh well, guess shows I'm not one that needs instant results...

Now all I need to do is find a van to make the haul with.........

Sooooo, just a week left for that special pre-order buy in that helps bring more Konzas here. Thanks to those that have supported this drive - and the rest of yas - what are you waiting for!
I have one hen that is nearly big enough to rival any of my adult roosters( of other breeds). Hope to get a photo of her on Sunday.
I was looking at my biggest Konza girl tonight thinking that same thing. She is a moose!! She isn't as leggy but she has MASS! lol

This girls goes off by herself, away from the main group. Hoping to get my hands on her as well as the pic tomorrow!! Moose is a great adjective. lol
Caught the big girl this morning to check her over for meat and was sorely disappointed. THin in the breast area. Debating what to do with her.

What do you think of giving her to the cornish cros- cross rooster??
MR cornish corss cross is cornish cross hen x black copper marans rooster. I didnt know the BCM had been active when I moved the cornish cross hens to the buff orpington pen.

Got 1 rooster and 2 hens that are from the BO, but they didnt do well and are gone. Just the male left. Hefty boy. One of my concerns has been that thehen needs to be strong or big enough to handle the weight of this massive rooster. So I am considering this pullet when she is a bit bigger as in more filled out.
No straight cornishes left. THey really don't have a long life that is healthy. THe last one started to fade so butchered her, and the insides were disturbing. Really are meant to be a 8-12 week project. So I'm surprised the halfbred rooster has lasted this long. Maybe it is the effect of some good genes on the marans side. IDK-- just guessing. He is VERY hefty.
Honestly, while that might be great for table birds to butcher - don't think that's a direction this project should go in. CornishX cross to a bigger meatier bird or a breed that has been blended in before would be a different story. Had the cross been to a Dorking, Breese or even a Sulmtaler, those would be more on track to check out IMO. Maran is not a big table breed, not a fast developer, not small combed, and gets away from the pink egg color. Too, my Konza are clean legged and yellow skinned (mostly), marans feathered and white. White skin is not at all a bad thing for an eating bird, but feathered legs are going to divert additional protein to grow.

Any developments on that Trio from Renee?

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