Hatching Naturally


In the Brooder
Aug 6, 2016
Hello People!
This afternoon I found 3 of 8 eggs one of my broody hens has been sitting on for quite a while, crack. I've never hatched eggs before and I don't have an incubator.
I took all the eggs, putting them in a rubber made tub and put a heating lamp over them. Did I do the right thing? When went out to my coop I noticed the mother hen was off the eggs and mice were all over the nesting boxes. My question is did I do the right thing by taking the eggs? Also how long usually does it take for a chick to hatch? A couple of them have been hatching since around 4:00 this evening.
Can you describe how they were cracked? If there were mice swarming the nest then yes, I'd say you did the right thing.

Make sure the heat lamp on them is at about 99 degrees. Boost the humidity in the tub as much as you can, they need high humidity to hatch properly.

How long had the broody been sitting on them?
The one I know for is alive right now, Has most of the top off. There is another chick that has had it's beak out for hours and hasn't made a sound..I'm assuming it's dead.. And One chick I can hear very slightly in a barley cracked egg. My hen has been sitting on them for a few weeks. Thanks so much for the info on the humidity and heat.
The one I know for is alive right now, Has most of the top off. There is another chick that has had it's beak out for hours and hasn't made a sound..I'm assuming it's dead.. And One chick I can hear very slightly in a barley cracked egg. My hen has been sitting on them for a few weeks. Thanks so much  for the info on the humidity and heat. 

Sounds like you've got some pips and one zipping. If the zipped one The one that almost has the top off) gets stuck and stops progressing, help it finish hatching. For the pipped ones, give them until 24 hours since they have pipped. If they haven't progressed since then, you might need to step in and help them hatch. It's very possible they will become shrink wrapped hatching like this and need help.

The one with its beak out that isn't making noise, try enlarging the hole just a little bit and see if you see life. If it bleeds at all, stop and put it back and leave it alone for awhile.
the chick that almost has the top off, once it's hatched what do? Should I leave it under the light? put food out ?
It will need a heat lamp to keep it warm, and it will eventually need food water too. For now just let it be in the tub with the other eggs.
It just came out of t's shell. There is a circle on its stomach area? sticking out is a cording looking thing... What do I do now? Can I leave the chick till morning? or should I stay with it for a while?
Can you post a picture? Sounds like a bit of unabsorbed yolk which if it is the case will need a little special handling.



so sorry these pictures were taken sideways and somehow transferred on here upside down.. It looks like the chick has a large stomach with a umbilical cord.

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