Hatching Party! Wanna Join?! Set 8/7, Hatching 8/27!!


10 Years
Jun 28, 2011
Grandview (SKC), MO
So this is our 2nd go around. Despite having good temps and humidity, we did not have any hatched eggs out of our dozen. It was our first time and the eggs came through the mail. I'm assuming the PO killed most of them. So I have popped almost 3 more dozen in the incubator and we'll see what happens this time. Round 2, here we go! Who's with me!

We have a combination of Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Lavender Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, Black Australorps, Buckeyes and a few Silkies!

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Good Luck!!
Hope you get some babies!!

I just put in 20 guinea and 4 bantam cochins in on Friday. All shipped. I hatched 8 out of 31 call ducks 2 weeks ago. They were also shipped.
I'm crashing the party! Setting 12 "mystery" eggs (they were sold to me at auction as "game" but are not the right color, in my opinion) and 7 bantam cochin: mother is blue and dad is buff.

They are going into the incubator within 5 minutes...
Hey everybody! Hello, Destin! I'll play again. I just put 18 black copper marans eggs under my second broody sex link of the summer.

How is your spotted ducky, Destin?
Welcome back Tiss!! My spotted ducky is good. All 8 just took their 1st swim in my pond tonight. They are little characters. Although my older 3 males do not like them yet and do not want them anywhere near the female they look like they want to rip their heads off so I have to put older ones away so I can let the babies run around the yard.

Good Luck hopefully we all get some cute little babies!!
I'm in!

I have my first chickens, but they're only 10-14 weeks old right now. However, last week I bought an incubator and three laying SLWyandottes, and the day after I brought them home I got an egg. They had been housed with roos, so I figure the odds are ... well, they may be fertile. Got another egg this afternoon - did y'all hear me holler?

Been running the incubator and holding 100* for three days now. I dropped by my neighbor's today, and picked up some fertile BO eggs from them, and put all in the incubator this afternoon.

So I'm in! Woo!


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