Hatching peafowl with a broody chicken

Omg I got a chick. Woke up to this little one today and one more on the way.

Thanks. I was surprised that he is all yellow I'm not sure what color his parents are. He is super cute now that he's fluffed up. Still waiting for the other to hatch.

So I have some questions,how often should I be weighing my peachick' s? I've weighed them three times so far and they are gaining. They will be a week old on Wednesday. I'm so worried they might get sick because my silkie is raising them,but I really would like her to raise them for me. Also I live in Michigan and I am already thinking about winter lol, can they survive outside in the winter here? I want to make sure I have everything ready for them when it gets cold out. Our past few winters have been really cold,but my chickens did good with no heat light.

That peachick is beautiful!!! I am a new peachick momma to 3 very imprinted little chicks! I think that's great that your silkie mama is doing a good job. Mine are almost 2 wks old. I weigh them every 3/4 days. I'm still learning so I hope you get some replies! :)
Thank you I have two. They are just so cute. Ok I was weighing them everyday. I think 3-4 days is probably good.

Oh they are beautiful! I love the light one! They are a week old, right? Mine turn 2 weeks tomorrow. I tried to take pics today but they were flying everywhere! It was a lot easier when they were just a day old! Here are 2 of mine!
Yeah mine are a week old tomorrow. Yours are cute too. They look so much bigger than mine. Do you know what kind yours are? I think my brown one is an Indian blue and I'm not sure on the yellow one. I will try to get a picture of mine tomorrow. They are pretty hard to catch they run so fast.
Yeah mine are a week old tomorrow. Yours are cute too. They look so much bigger than mine. Do you know what kind yours are? I think my brown one is an Indian blue and I'm not sure on the yellow one. I will try to get a picture of mine tomorrow. They are pretty hard to catch they run so fast.

I'm trying to figure out what mine are. Took pics of all the adults from the pen the eggs came from. Their was IB,BS, and I believe someone on here said IBBSWE. The adults have a lot of white on them and the mom may be Spaulding. So they are a mix to say the least. I'll try to get some better pics today too. And I'm going to weigh them today on their 2wk bday to see how they are growing. 2 are a lot bigger then the third. Maybe she's a girl!
I'll have to post pictures later as its not working. But pea fowl are wild on our ranch. They come up to me for food and we see them but not pen gentle. Last year hen laid 6 hatched 4 I took them raised 2. Then she turned around and laid 4 more. Hatched them all but only successful at raising 1. With water troughs and stuff it's hard even though she is a great mom. So this year I decided to let her try again as we are busy and I have a toddler and she lost them. So when she laid 4 more I took them and gave them to my broody chicken. She hatched them and I moved them to a safe pen. They were hatched Sunday and they are all still doing great and happy and she is being a great mom. They are the only chicks she has or has ever raised. I'm excited it worked. I took them away from the other chickens and ducks for safety reason.
That is so good that your chicken is raising them. Mine is doing great so far too. Mine are a week old. They are in there own coop with a pen just to keep them away from the other chickens. I gave the eggs to my chicken just to see if she would hatch them. I really didn't think it would work, but it did. Lol Here is their pic from today with their mom.

In a few weeks they will probably be bigger than her.
That is so good that your chicken is raising them. Mine is doing great so far too. Mine are a week old. They are in there own coop with a pen just to keep them away from the other chickens. I gave the eggs to my chicken just to see if she would hatch them. I really didn't think it would work, but it did. Lol Here is their pic from today with their mom.
In a few weeks they will probably be bigger than her.

I love the picture!
Be careful and watch those hens, here are a couple of chicks I hadn't pulled soon enough.

This one is healing up pretty well, it still has a sore under its left eye.

And this one the hole is still not healed up, it was pecked open to the skull, but it seems to be alright, it just has a hole in its head.

Wow that's terrible. I will definitely be watching them closely. Was it the mother hens that did that or other hens in the flock? I have another broody hen with two chicken chicks, who I tried to put with my silkie and her peachicks. But she didn't like the peachicks being around her, so they got put back in there own run.

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