Hatching peafowl with a broody chicken

Be careful and watch those hens, here are a couple of chicks I hadn't pulled soon enough.

This one is healing up pretty well, it still has a sore under its left eye.

And this one the hole is still not healed up, it was pecked open to the skull, but it seems to be alright, it just has a hole in its head.

Poor little things!

So just an update on my peachicks. They will be two weeks tomorrow. The yellow one is 101g,and the brown one is 108g. Thought for sure I lost the brown one last night I had them in an open pen outside with there mom, It was dark out when I went to put them away and I scared him. I never realized how good they can fly. He almost made it in to my neighbors yard. Luckily I used his mom to lure him out of the bushes and then I caught him. Here are some new pics.

So just an update on my peachicks. They will be two weeks tomorrow. The yellow one is 101g,and the brown one is 108g. Thought for sure I lost the brown one last night I had them in an open pen outside with there mom, It was dark out when I went to put them away and I scared him. I never realized how good they can fly. He almost made it in to my neighbors yard. Luckily I used his mom to lure him out of the bushes and then I caught him. Here are some new pics.


Very nice. Mine can fly across the house. That's why I'm so scared to bring them outside! I love the lighter one!
The yellow one is really pretty. It has some darker feathers growing in on it wings. I still have no idea what you call it's color. How old are yours now?

Mine turned 3 wks today! I moved them out of the brooder and into a bigger cage today. But they are still in my house. They are getting BIG, but they still act like total babies. I'm thinking of taking them outside after they turn 4 weeks but I'm worried they will fly away. Going to read up on a few threads first. One of the females from the pen that the eggs came from, hatched out 5 babies. One was all light like yours, then the rest had tons of white coloring. I love my babies but I wish I has gotten some of those eggs. Next year, I guess. How are yours doing?
Mine are doing so good. The yellow one was 101g on Tuesday and 124g today. The other one was 108g on Tuesday and 132g today. They also sprouted their head feather things today. They are outside in their enclosure I made from green plastic fencing from Home Depot. I put it on a cement slab in my yard so they can't get in the dirt. Here is a picture.


I still have to put more on the top so they can't get out.
Mine are doing so good. The yellow one was 101g on Tuesday and 124g today. The other one was 108g on Tuesday and 132g today. They also sprouted their head feather things today. They are outside in their enclosure I made from green plastic fencing from Home Depot. I put it on a cement slab in my yard so they can't get in the dirt. Here is a picture.


I still have to put more on the top so they can't get out.

Cool idea! That sounds perfect. I can't believe they got there head feathers already. Mine are just sprouting now. I read somewhere that birds brooder under a heat light take longer to get there feathers. So maybe that explains it. Glad to see they are doing good! I like the setup.
I made a pile of sticks and stuff in the middle of the pen for them to hide in. They love it. Here is a picture of the yellow ones head it's kind of blurry but you can see the feathers coming out.

Mine are doing so good. The yellow one was 101g on Tuesday and 124g today. The other one was 108g on Tuesday and 132g today. They also sprouted their head feather things today. They are outside in their enclosure I made from green plastic fencing from Home Depot. I put it on a cement slab in my yard so they can't get in the dirt. Here is a picture.

I still have to put more on the top so they can't get out.
Excelled weight gains!


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