Sponsored Post Hatching the Facts on Medicated Chick Starter Feeds for Layers

There are times when medication is necessary. In my opinion it's about keeping those medications potent for when they are needed.

RIght now I have gotten my chicks from large hatcheries. The first batch of fifteen came from Meyers on December 17th. After two days we had eight. Those eight are strong healthy birds now.

The second batch we got was from nearby Cackle Hatchery. I picked these chicks up last Tuesday along with three ducklings. This batch of chicks is 23(received a couple of free birds !!!), and they are all alive and healthy so far.

I built a brooder I can disassemble and reassemble. It has enough space for thirty older chicks. AT the beginning I block off the majority of space. I think I will expand their space either tonight or tomorrow from a third of the brooder to a half of a brooder.

Also of note I had the first batch inside in the brooder until two weeks ago. I use the ecoglow 50. It seemed that the birds feathered more quickly than I was expecting yet they are not cold so that you hear them chirping in need.

I have an order from Meyers due in June. I believe I will be cancelling that order. I have seen to many problems listed on this site about them. I also want to get healthy birds from a place that breeds their birds correctly. Maybe you should consider doing the same. They may help you save yourself some worry and money.

Good luck to you.
I got 27 chickens from McMurrays and they were vaccinated before leaving the hatchery but what I didn't realize is I wasn't supposed to feed them medicated chick feed cuz it nullify's the vaccine. Well too late now and besides we picked up 6 more chicks from Del's Farm & Fed so now everyone has gotten medicated feed, now that they are two weeks old we decided to mix two bags of medicated 25 lbs and one non medicated 40 lbs together.... and eventually not use the medicated but not until the babies are a couple months old. We do put ACV in their drinking water and crumbled up egg yoke sprinkled on their food for a treat..... I wonder when it's too early to introduce other treats and what should they be??
What is the mixture for apple cider vingear to water? I would like to try that I rasie meat chicken also with layers and would like to try not to use so much meds I use medicated feed also. What do u chicken people think?
umm wait.... i have been feeding my silkie hens regularly with the medicated chick starter because i bought a 50 lb bag and had leftovers. i have been eating their eggs. Will this affect my health?
umm wait.... i have been feeding my silkie hens regularly with the medicated chick starter because i bought a 50 lb bag and had leftovers. i have been eating their eggs. Will this affect my health?

it shouldnt. but i mean if your hens are laying eggs, why are they still eating chick starter? Save the chick starter for other chicks. They need layer feed.
Saving $$$? Use up your starter feed if you want but layer feed is what your chickens need to have good egg production. You'll start seeing feather picking, egg eating and other nasty habits creeping up if you don't give them the nutritional requirements they need from layer feed.

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