Hatching troubles

Looking great!!! Scary isn't it!!
it is scary! She looked pretty crazy when she was finally freed but shes a survivor for sure. I helped her for two days before she finally lifted her head and started walking. She is now in her new temporary home with the others walking around and eating like a little piggy. #happychick
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So far 12 out of 16 have hatched (with 1 needing help) 4 days early! All 12 are happy and seem healthy so far!! 4 out of the 16 are still waiting to be hatched. They still have 4 days left so I think I'll just leave them alone until then. When I candled them 3 days ago there was lots of movement so they may just not be ready!
So far 12 out of 16 have hatched (with 1 needing help) 4 days early! All 12 are happy and seem healthy so far!! 4 out of the 16 are still waiting to be hatched. They still have 4 days left so I think I'll just leave them alone until then. When I candled them 3 days ago there was lots of movement so they may just not be ready!

When did you set them?
I should also say that Styrofoam egg cartons have insulating abilities . If eggs are placed in them at a temperature high enough to start to develop then they will hold the temperature for a while. If placed close enough to a heat source then development starts . I had eggs developing in flats from the summer heat last year . I'm thinking I can wait ten days to refrigerate them . In winter yes in summer no. They were popping in the refrigerator
When placing fresh laid eggs in Styrofoam cartons leave them open to let the eggs cool a bit .then store in a cool place . On a closet floor or some other low place works best .
Sorry to hijack your post but I need help please.Ok so my hen has been sitting on 3eggs for over 22 days now,I added two extra eggs a week or so ago. Yesterday I noticed she was out having a feed so I quickly went down to check her nest one egg had hatched a developed chick but it looked like it had been squished so I removed it and noticed another egg had a crack in it so I decided to take two inside to candle and incubate and leave two for her :) I candled them and one is more developed than the other but they are both looking good and moving! My question is should I lock them down straight away or start turning them and candle them again tomorrow? I've googled pics of eggs at 15days and one looks the same but the other one looks around 13 days! Sorry I forgot to add the two eggs I took away were the two I added later on I hope this all makes sence lol ;-P

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