Hatching with 2 broodies

I dont know if I am just being paranoid because of all the boys we just hatched but it looks like at least 4 boys to me. I could be totally off on that so please dont quote me. What kind and how old are they? My one bantam cochin cockerel started to try and crow at 2 months!!!!!!
I have to agree with ItalyChickie, after looking again more closely, the ones on the left anyway do seem to be pullets. I told you I was paranoid! What do I know......LOL
Whatever they are they sure look sweet....
So, here's a new wrinkle. I discovered lice eggs on a feather falling off of Jan today! She doesn't appear to have a very serious infestation (no red skin or obvious lice running about), but enough eggy feathers below her vent that I know I need to deal with it. A quick inspection of Bettina found some feathers near her vent with lighter amounts of eggs, so it is probably becoming a flock-wide issue.

My biggest concern at the moment is making a safe environment for the broodies and bubbies, if they come. After some quick research, I think I'll try neem oil on each hen first (I already have some here). Some people have recommended Frontline, which I also have, but that makes me a bit more nervous. Sevin dust also makes me nervous. I have DE, but some say it doesn't work, so isn't worth any possible risks with its use.

Anyone have any experience with lice-control and broodies? It does not appear to be a very serious infestation, and they have plenty of access to dust-bathing, but I know I still need to deal with it!
So, here's a new wrinkle. I discovered lice eggs on a feather falling off of Jan today! She doesn't appear to have a very serious infestation (no red skin or obvious lice running about), but enough eggy feathers below her vent that I know I need to deal with it. A quick inspection of Bettina found some feathers near her vent with lighter amounts of eggs, so it is probably becoming a flock-wide issue.

My biggest concern at the moment is making a safe environment for the broodies and bubbies, if they come. After some quick research, I think I'll try neem oil on each hen first (I already have some here). Some people have recommended Frontline, which I also have, but that makes me a bit more nervous. Sevin dust also makes me nervous. I have DE, but some say it doesn't work, so isn't worth any possible risks with its use.

Anyone have any experience with lice-control and broodies? It does not appear to be a very serious infestation, and they have plenty of access to dust-bathing, but I know I still need to deal with it!
This is what I use,
Howdy Liz .... woo hoo, I am having a quieter day today! :)

I use Pestene every so often as a preventative. It is recommended to put under their wings and it spreads but I simply sprinkle it onto their nest boxes and it works fine.

The only time I did have an issue was when Cilla was broody with her first hatch and the mites moved in; eggs were covered in them. I moved the eggs out of the nest, sprinkled Pestene and then popped the eggs back in and Cilla plonked down on them. Gave the other nest boxes a hit also. Mites were no longer a problem and no apparent side effects to the eggs as they all hatched/survived.

On the second hatch, as a preventative, I dusted the nest mid way through the hatch. There were no obvious mites but I was not taking any chances.

On a side note, I have, today, ordered some straw bedding which is safe to use in the nest boxes and "Mite Guard is added to keep your animal's bedding free of any nasty parasites." OK, it was not cheap but the straw in my nest boxes lasts a long time and I only have 3 boxes, so worth a try. I will let you know what it is like when it arrives.

OMG! I think I have twins in an egg!!!!!

Today is day 7, just candled, and I can distinctly see 2 black dots moving around in different directions, and lots more veining than in others, though for the life of me I can't see the distinct yolks, just lots of shadowing.

HELP! I know it's very unlikely they can hatch themselves, and I have never ever had to help a chick, and have very little faith in my abilities in that department. Obviously, I have two weeks to learn, and they might not even make it that far, but what if they do??? So much for a hassle-free, give-the-eggs-to-co-parents-on-day-18 hatch I had planned...

Oh, and sorry, I am not much help in the lice department, have never had to deal with that, though I do have a spray in my kit which has ivermectin as active ingredient, but no clue if it works well or if it's safe around hatching eggs.

Edited to add - not an expert, or even remember exactly why, but I would probably avoid Frontline with broodies, have some vague memory of some warning about it... (I do use it for my dogs and cat, haven't tried with chickens yet, haven't needed to.)
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IC Wow! Twins! .. excuse my lack of knowledge in this department but are they rare? You mention that they might not make it .. is that common? Any ideas on how successful twin hatches are?

Sorry for all the questions .. have not read about or chatted to anyone who has had twins.

Figured seen as you now have twins, you will be doing a lot of research which I will also learn from

Liz I meant to mention yesterday. In the Aussie thread I subscribe to there has been lots of ongoing discussion about using Frontline on chickens. Some do and some still freak out at the thought. Some have quoted their Vets as saying it is OK and others have gone down the path that it is not tested, manufactured or recommended as a chicken product and therefore, should not be used on chickens.

Me, personally, while I have other treatments available which are labelled as safe for poultry, I would rather use those than take chances; but that is just me :)
Thanks, Marie. Can you read what the ingredients are? I can't find them with a quick google search. Do you spray it on the birds directly?
Thanks, Teila!
I spray it on the birds near the vent area. You can use it twice a week. Can also spray the coop areas.
Piperonyl Butoxide, Technical....0.30%
Other ingredients....99.67% Which is most likely water.
A local breeder recommended it.
OMG! I think I have twins in an egg!!!!!

Today is day 7, just candled, and I can distinctly see 2 black dots moving around in different directions, and lots more veining than in others, though for the life of me I can't see the distinct yolks, just lots of shadowing.

HELP! I know it's very unlikely they can hatch themselves, and I have never ever had to help a chick, and have very little faith in my abilities in that department. Obviously, I have two weeks to learn, and they might not even make it that far, but what if they do??? So much for a hassle-free, give-the-eggs-to-co-parents-on-day-18 hatch I had planned...

Oh, and sorry, I am not much help in the lice department, have never had to deal with that, though I do have a spray in my kit which has ivermectin as active ingredient, but no clue if it works well or if it's safe around hatching eggs.

Edited to add - not an expert, or even remember exactly why, but I would probably avoid Frontline with broodies, have some vague memory of some warning about it... (I do use it for my dogs and cat, haven't tried with chickens yet, haven't needed to.)

I will be glued to this machine to see what happens here.
I really, really, really hope they hatch. If anyone can do it I know you and your broodies can!! Go twin broodys and twin chicks....I am so excited I should of put everything I just said in CAPS.
I feel like I am the chicken mama.
I followed along on a twin duck hatch and they made it just fine thank-you, and it was so fun to see them.

You will have to check in daily now, you know that right?
Maybe you shouldnt have told us? (Me)? haha
Very best of luck and we are all cheering you and the twins on.

edited to add
Hassle-free, whats that?
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Some people have recommended Frontline, which I also have, but that makes me a bit more nervous. Sevin dust also makes me nervous. I have DE, but some say it doesn't work, so isn't worth any possible risks with its use.

Anyone have any experience with lice-control and broodies? It does not appear to be a very serious infestation, and they have plenty of access to dust-bathing, but I know I still need to deal with it!

I use Frontline Spray on mine (the spray for kittens/puppies not the drops, one spray under each wing, one on the vent). I would be afraid to use it once the broodies have tiny chicks but I did use it on them a week BEFORE hatch.

A show breeder told me that is what they use and he also said one treatment typically lasts a long time. Also a while back I had a rescue dog with newborn pups and the vet said I could use Frontline drops to get rid of ticks (she was a stray and had a very bad tick infestation) even though the pups were 1 day old and nursing. I used it on the momma dog, not the puppies.

I personally would rather use a bit of Frontline on the birds rather than dust/fumigate their entire coop and enviroment especially with chicks. Respiratory inflamation from dusts or odd oils would concern me especially since if one didn't seem to work then others will likely be tried, and lice around newly hatched chicks would be very worrying.
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