Hatching with 2 broodies

I don't have any decent video editing software (even Movie Maker that comes with windows isn't working) so I just take "short clips" of activity and choose the best for upload. It would be nice to see your chick/chickens moving and talking etc!

And yes Pallina's chicks do have a much different feather pattern. Mine have lost most all of their down and have that straggley teenager look to them while yours still look like fluffy sweet babies!

As I mentioned above, the pullet passed on. I did not treat for Coccidia, the fact the others seem FINE makes me think it may have been something going on with just that chick, though if anyone else gets sick I am definitely going to treat for something! She seemed so quiet and kept trying to hide under her mama, I eventually took her inside and hid her inside my t-shirt for body heat and a hiding place as I hated to think of her dying by herself in the yard crying for the others that kept leaving her. She quietly slept without chirping or seeming frightened. I thought if she makes it until sundown I would put her under her mama after they settle for the night but she passed on before.

Oh no, I am so sorry! At least she wasn't lonely and cold in her last hours...

I am certain you are right though, and that it was something other than cocci if the others seem perfectly fine. It's so hard to know with chicks, and aggressive treatments can sometimes do more harm than good...

I'll see what I can do about those video clips, when I have some extra time (and treats!) to do a few takes of the feeding frenzy scene.
Just have to say I am impressed with the devotion and ENERGY broodies put into their chicks!

Generally my chickens are pretty chilled out (and I am guessing most other people's are too). They graze in the morning and evening, they rest a LOT, in the morning they take their time deciding when to get up and out of the coop etc...

But the broodies are on the go all of the time! All day long they are busy talking, walking, foraging and entertaining the chicks. In the morning the chicks run OUT as soon as the sun comes up these days and the broodies are right there following them.

Those mama hens are such great mothers! It's like they are raising a heard of 2 year old human children without the benefit of cribs or doors. I know they have to just want to chill in the shade during our hot afternoons along with the rest of the hens but they don't, they stay active and make sure to keep up with and amuse the chicks.
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Just have to say I am impressed with the devotion and ENERGY broodies put into their chicks!

Generally my chickens are pretty chilled out (and I am guessing most other people's are too). They graze in the morning and evening, they rest a LOT, in the morning they take their time deciding when to get up and out of the coop etc...

But the broodies are on the go all of the time! All day long they are busy talking, walking, foraging and entertaining the chicks. In the morning the chicks run OUT as soon as the sun comes up these days and the broodies are right there following them.

Those mama hens are such great mothers! It's like they are raising a heard of 2 year old human children without the benefit of cribs or doors. I know they have to just want to chill in the shade during our hot afternoons along with the rest of the hens but they don't, they stay active and make sure to keep up with and amuse the chicks.
Isnt that fun to watch? I am also impressed with broody mamas and their devotion.

Some are better than others....
Now there is Sophia,
She would die for her chicks. She is a white crested black polish. I had to separate her from all of the others because she is almost too good at protecting them. She got a hold of Laylas lone chick, poor antie Emm and almost killed her. She thought Emm was a threat to her chicks I believe. I am afraid for the other hens because she is just a little on the crazy side of protective. That is why she is in her own coop and run.

On the other hand there is Layla, a LF blue cochin. She has not impressed me with her mothering skills what so ever. I dont know if it is because she just has one chick or what the deal is.
She walks away from Emm and lets everyone peck her. Then she tried to leave her and go roost when the chick was only a week old. She just lets her cry until I hear her and go intervine. I am really frustrated with her.

So Layla and Emm are in a coop all by them selves so Layla can be forced to mother her.

Now I have 2 broodys on deck. One is due to hatch on Saturday and I never see her leave the nest AT ALL. (Large Foul)
The other is due in another week or so. (Bantam)
We will see what kind of mothers they make.
So far in my group the bantam broodies have been much better mamas than the large foul.
But I must say it never gets boring with broodies around!
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2 year old human children without the benefit of cribs or doors.
That right there is a perfect description!!!

Poor Bonnie had 13, can't imagine what that was like! Sure fun for me to watch though.

And yes, some are better and some are worse. Interestingly enough, my standard-sized barnyard mixes have proven best so far - from the same dad, different moms. I believe dad was a Dorking, though not sure... certainly looked it, with non-standard coloring.

Have to run, just stopped by for a quick hello. Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi folks,
I decided to do a candle tonight with an amazing little flashlight I bought today - 100 lumens for $8.99, and it even let me see inside the marans eggs! Anyway, I was especially worried about those dark eggs, because I swear Frida and Grace keep leaving one or both of them out! I figured they were on to something, but maybe they just understand those eggs' special needs, because I saw good development in both! Actually, I saw movement and veins and all kinds of great things happening in 10 of the 11 eggs! I got emotional when I saw the first one - Bettina's of course. I could have stared forever, but I didn't want to bother the bubbies with the bright light. I made the tough call to remove one of Rousseau's eggs, though. It clearly had development, but no veins anymore, and it was just different from all of the others. It almost looked like there was movement, but that seemed to just be the reverse gravity pull of the little embryo floating to the top whenever I moved it. I think there's a small chance I'm wrong, but it was so different from the others, I decided to not chance it going bad and taking up space from the others.

So, 10 little developing chicks in there and under 10 days left!

In the meantime, I checked out Frida and Grace's underbellies, and they have no sign of lice or nits. I've treated the big girls and Desi with frontline (left over from treating my dog) and gone back to regular spreading of DE in the coop, so I think we'll be ok.

Thanks for all your support - sorry I'm not doing much in the way of feedback these days. You all have lots of beautiful babies!
Hi Liz,
that's great on all the eggs having activity! Congratulations. Sorry about the one you had to pull.

Sounds like you are going to have a big happy bunch of fluffys running around soon. Interesting about the maran eggs. I guess they know what they are doing right?

I was wondering if anyone has any advice for me. I posted this on the emergency and disease thread but also wanted to post it here. I have noticed for a long time that my leghorn lays around a lot. I was just thinking that he (don't know for sure but looks like a roo) is just chill and that was his personality. He always comes when I go down to the coop to see if I have treats and is drinking and eating just fine. Look at the pictures of him. His legs look swollen to me. He has no signs of scaly leg mites. They are all being fed purina start and grow because that is what the feed store recommended for mixed age flocks with broodys bringing up their chicks with the rest of the flock.
Anyone have any ideas?

Farmer Viola where are you? Haven't heard from you in a while.

Did I forgot to add the pictures? What a dork.....
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Hi Liz,
that's great on all the eggs having activity! Congratulations. Sorry about the one you had to pull.

Sounds like you are going to have a big happy bunch of fluffys running around soon. Interesting about the maran eggs. I guess they know what they are doing right?

I was wondering if anyone has any advice for me. I posted this on the emergency and disease thread but also wanted to post it here. I have noticed for a long time that my leghorn lays around a lot. I was just thinking that he (don't know for sure but looks like a roo) is just chill and that was his personality. He always comes when I go down to the coop to see if I have treats and is drinking and eating just fine. Look at the pictures of him. His legs look swollen to me. He has no signs of scaly leg mites. They are all being fed purina start and grow because that is what the feed store recommended for mixed age flocks with broodys bringing up their chicks with the rest of the flock.
Anyone have any ideas?

Farmer Viola where are you? Haven't heard from you in a while.
hehe I am still here ;) I have just been busy lately, so I try to keep up with the posts here but sometimes I can't. and since I no longer have any broodies there hasnt been many updates to make :) I will post some photos of the chicks soon.

I am so sorry to hear about your leghorn with swollen legs. I went and looked at your post and the photos. that is so very strange. I notice that the toes are not swollen at all, only the legs. I agree does not look like leg mites. are the legs hard or soft if you squish them? the BYC user Eggcessive seems to have heard of this before, I hope some of the links she posted can help. I have never seen anything like this before. the photos from her links look exactly like your rooster's!!! one is also a leghorn... crazy..
Here are the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte chicks and two Mottled Java chicks that were raised by my broodies :) the smallest chicks were Wendy's, she went broody a little later.

another shot of the babies. who are getting pretty big now! they are going to be moving to a friend's farm this weekend. the Javas are staying as my future breeding project :)

Big momma Bertha looking startled lol

These two BLRW pullets started laying this week!
We are egg rich!
I think I am up to 8 or 9 laying hens now. woohooooo! no more drought!

Saraflav enjoying a bath under there lol!

my handsome cockerel, Karl. he is only 6mos old but I hope he matures into a breeder quality rooster

separate flock, these guys are 3mos old. mixed breeds, they are our meat birds for the year.
Nice to hear back from you Farmer Viola,

I love your chickens and that roo looks like a real charmer.

Thanks for the input on the leghorns swollen legs. I messaged the other person who had the same thing going on with her leghorn and I havent heard back. Yes it is a mystery and I really cant find anything on the net about it. I will try and post again and see if I get any other responses.
Sorry I forgot to post the pictures. duh!
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Thanks for the input on the leghorns swollen legs. I messaged the other person who had the same thing going on with her leghorn and I havent heard back. Yes it is a mystery and I really cant find anything on the net about it. I will try and post again and see if I get any other responses.

I just googled "chickens swollen legs" and came up with a few links. Sadly most (unless it is mites) suggested the swelling is often caused by kidney/liver failure or even avian leukemia. Wish I had found something more positive. Article an avian leukemia here: http://www.countrysmallholding.com/poultry/avian_leukemia_1_3493401
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