Hatching with 2 broodies

Loved all your pictures, looks like you have your hands full there and I bet you wouldnt have it any other way. Your garden looks awesome. A lot of work to remodel but afterwards it feels good doesnt it? Teila can answer to that one I bet. Anything to keep them safe and happy. I didnt know Leghorns could fly so well. I just have a teenage one so I will watch her. Thanks
Sorry about the Americana eggs

Thanks for your concern over my lovely neighbor, like I said before, it helps so much to be able to talk it over with someone who understands. I havent heard anything so far. She caught my husband in the yard when I was at work and asked him to come over and talk to her. He basically told her we are allowed to have roosters and we will keep them. So we will see what happens....

She is such a @&^%!@@#%%$^%$
I just hatched my first broody chick. Yes only one hatched. I left my hen with the flock, once the chick hatched she got off the rest of the eggs and began to teach that baby how to scratch, and drink, etc. If any other chicken comes near her chick, or me... She puffs up like to turkey size and growls. The chick is doing great. Day 4, and no integration back into the flock required. :)

I have another broody sitting on seven, can't wait to see how this batch will go.
I just hatched my first broody chick.  Yes only one hatched.  I left my hen with the flock, once the chick hatched she got off the rest of the eggs and began to teach that baby how to scratch, and drink, etc.  If any other chicken comes near her chick, or me... She puffs up like to turkey size and growls.  The chick is doing great.  Day 4, and no integration back into the flock required.  :)

I have another broody sitting on seven, can't wait to see how this batch will go.

Sounds great good luck with your next batch :D
Just watched this neat youtube video on egg development (with what appear to be pictures taken inside an egg, or very well done cgi).

I didn't know the heart starts beating on the SECOND day of incubation! Others may find this interesting too:

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TG no that's fine don't worry yes I am only having the heat lamp on as not all the chicks go under her at night so I just leave it on just in case they can't all fit under her but once they get to 3-4 weeks old they will not need the lamp anymore and especially the firsts couple of days for the incubator chicks just in they don't get that they can go under sunshine for warmth
Alright heya team broody so I need your advice what do you think I should do okay so at the moment with the silkies I have three white hens one white cockerel and two blue hens that I am going to collect in the next couple of weeks and I am thinking of purchasing two other hens and I am not sure what colour to chose I don't want anymore white or blue any suggestions
Alright heya team broody so I need your advice what do you think I should do okay so at the moment with the silkies I have three white hens one white cockerel and two blue hens that I am going to collect in the next couple of weeks and I am thinking of purchasing two other hens and I am not sure what colour to chose I don't want anymore white or blue any suggestions

I really like paint and buff silkies myself :) after blue and lavender of course

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