Hatching with 2 broodies

Finally I have some news!!!!

This tiny little egg was laid today by Blondie! Not only her first egg, but the first egg laid here by a girl who was hatched and raised here, so kinda special!

It is pictured next to one of Cilla's eggs, also laid today. OK, it may be one of the smallest little eggs I have ever seen but my baby girl laid it and I am so so proud of her!

So glad you checked in, I was just ready to send an all points bulletin out for you. We havent heard from you in so long.
I really think you are on to something there about Penny perceiving the hatched eggs as a threat. She is such an incredible and attentive mom to the grafted in chicks. That is why I never suspected she would hurt one. I think she was just trying to protect her eggs from an intruder. She has never been a aggressive or mean hen in any way. I think she may of taken her protection instincts too far. Thanks for the insight on that.
Yes, I think that 25-30 pullets should get you thru the winter just fine. haha
I also wanted to let you know that I am giving you a run for your money on the cockerels. Taffy's hatch, our very first hatch here on the property, produced 3 boys and 1 girl.
Hows that for some competition? Anyone need some bantam cochin roo's???????????
3 to 1 that IS giving me a run for my money! Especially since I think I went 3 for 3, all pullets with one clutch. Those are handsome boys with some serious combs!!

[/URL]Finally got some pics of my baby's

Pretty birds!

Well hey there stranger! Great that you are once again in the land of the broody. So happy that your little flock is moving right along...Jan sounds like a treasure regardless of the lack of colored eggs and I actually was thinking about Desi yesterday when my little guy Cosmo was crowing. Keep us updated on the hatch progress and I do have to agree that who wouldn't want a bantam frizzled cochin/FBCM cross or 3.

We have decided to name the new roo Ike. You ladies are gonna swoon when you see him. I can't believe he is mine. His breeder gave him to me inspite of being offered 100.00 for him by a New Hampshire breeder out of state. Right now he is in the feed shed and I can't get a good pic without risking letting him out and he is too new to the place to be ranging at this point. Tomorrow I will let him hang outside in a dog kennel then on Wed night I will slip him into a coop after dark. I will get pics when he is more integrated.
This is totally NOT chicken related but I wanted to tell you guys that I spent weekend before last with a girlfriend who has great style. I have always loved hand me downs and do the majority of my clothes shopping at TJ Maxx which is where dept stores send their things after a couple of weeks. Anyway she buys 90% of what she wears at thrift stores. My county is one of the poorest in CA so I didn't go to any of the local thrift stores but we neighbor some of the wealthier counties in the state so I hopped across the county line to a Salvation Army and then to a thrift store run by people who spay and neuter feral cats and rescue cats from shelters and what not. Anyway I ended spending 33.00 on a variety of clothes including Anne Taylor, White House/ Black Market, J.Jill and more. It was so exciting and fun and it felt very worthwhile supporting worthy causes and saving big bucks. I imagine that the original retail of the items I bought was somewhere around 350.00

Oh and to make this a chicken related post I will tell you that I am looking out my window and seeing the products of this years broodies scratching and roosting and strutting and it makes me smile as I sit here sipping tea in my hand me down jammies.
Teila! Congratulations! Goooo Blondie! Do I see some white on her in those pictures? It has been so long since I have seen her, now she's all grown up! Lovely pictures!

Liz!! Hello!! Super excited to hear you are doing the broody thing again! And how exciting that they are eggs from your own flock!!

I tried to take some pics of the chickies to get some guesses on gender. That didn't go over real well… they move too much and look too much alike. If I look at them all together in a group, cross my eyes and stick my tongue out, I think I see at least 3, maybe 4 roosters out of the 8. Only time will tell. MJ is still good to them all, but she really wants to free range. I'm not ready to let them all loose yet. I went ahead and put a tub in the brooder coop for MJ to lay her eggs. No more digging in the bedding for an egg each day!

Guess what I get to do tonight? Bumblefoot surgery! Not so exciting, and kind of nerve-wracking. Poor Curly the leghorn has a pretty bad case of it in one if not both feet. One foot at a time, though. WIsh me luck!!!

Oh… and as of Wednesday last week… we now have water!! Our well pump died, wire went bad, and the well partially caved in about 30 feet down. That was not a cheap fix. We are considering putting in coin operated showers, and toilets to try to cover the expense. We had family over last night for DH's Birthday and we told them water is $100 a glass from the tap, but if they wanted bottled water from the store it was free.

Anyhow, have a great week everyone!!
Well hey there stranger! Great that you are once again in the land of the broody. So happy that your little flock is moving right along...Jan sounds like a treasure regardless of the lack of colored eggs and I actually was thinking about Desi yesterday when my little guy Cosmo was crowing. Keep us updated on the hatch progress and I do have to agree that who wouldn't want a bantam frizzled cochin/FBCM cross or 3.

Thanks, TG! It's nice to be back, at least for a bit.

And thanks, MM! Good luck with the surgery - sounds intimidating! Helping Grace recover from the dog bite was no easy task, so surgery sounds especially challenging!

So, I'm wondering if 11 eggs are really too many. They're having a little trouble with coordinating after dust-bath/treat breaks. When I went to give them their daily fermented scratch/yogurt treats, they both came out, and when Grace went back in, she didn't get all the eggs. There were some left on either side of her. Then, when Frida went back in, she got the eggs on one side, but not the other, so I had to put the other back under her. Most days, this won't be a problem, but there will be some days when I'm gone for more than a few hours. What do you think? Should I remove a couple eggs? I think Frida is really the broody expert, but she's a bit intimidated by Grace, who is top hen (though a kind and gentle leader), and so isn't being too active about grabbing all the eggs or sidling up right next to her. Grace and Frida are both very small bantams - maybe I'm overestimating them. Thoughts?
Finally a few sorta kinda decent pics. First, willie and his progeny having a little talk... This one I think is a roo.

Here is the best one I could get of them all together. The smaller white one and the one laying in the background I am convinced are girls. Obviously the big white one is a boy and I believe the one to the left of him is also a boy(same one talking to Willie in the pic above). The others are a bit tricky. Combs are pinking up, but are small. Any thoughts?
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I've been busy! I have 4 blue d'uccle chicks! I also have 3 moms with one baby each! two moms live together. All of the babies are around two weeks old.

Question.... Could i try to put the 4 blue d'uccles with the two moms and their two babies? Would this work or be a disaster?
Good morning Team Broody!

It was going to be a quick read-only visit (supposed to be working) but I could not let the return of a couple of ‘old timer’s’ just slip by!

Many thanks for all the congrats on my little girl’s first egg; she is a special little princess!

Can’t remember the last time I got two eggs on one day, 5 months or so I think.

Sonya9 the girls had scrambled egg and lettuce for breakfast this morning

TG welcome back! Looking forward to the pics of your New Hampshire boy.

Welcome back also Liz; lots of exciting news, Desi is so handsome!

I gotta go, sorry, work is so crazy at the moment! I will try and catch up soon

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