Haus Fraus Hens Hatchalong


5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
Vancouver Wa
Hi all! First-time hatchers borrowing a friends hovabator to hatch small batches of chickens over the next few weeks. Our 4h club has a youth show coming up and includes a chick auction so it was a perfect timing to let us experience hatching!

Our very first batch is EE/RIR/barred rock mix and are 3 days old now. I can see some feathers coming in all with fun barnyard mix markings!

I was a nervous wreck the whole time. Read forum after forum, blogs, pins, and books. I set 15 eggs with moving embryos into the hatcher with no water to start as my air cells were very small from too high humidity. Day 19 check showed better lines, probably the "natural" draw down and I was just early? In the end it seemed to be just fine.

Day 21 we had first pips and all were hatched within about 48 (long) hours. I didnt sleep well until that last wiggly baby was out.


I was able to watch them and see the first breathes, the spasms and spinning that causes the zipping and think I can tell now by the chicks sounds when they are really at the finish line and ready to kick out.

That first 24 hours were spent fluffing up and resting after some saveachick and some fussing by me counting toes and checking them over.


There was a lot less gross mess with the leftovers and eggs then I thought there would be. I never knew there was so much dander-fluff mess however and found towels easiest to use.


I also didnt know first poops were green. And yes they all try to taste it :rolleyes:

I think there are 14 girls and 1 roo in this batch going by feet size, coloring and wing checks on day 1.

They are all showing personality now and acting like chicks. Scratching, sunning, eating/pooping, peckin, cheeping, falling asleep on thier faces.... bascially being most adorable and making it hard to not want to keep some boogers for myself. There will be cute chickie pictures here till they go to thier new homes Valentine's day! Until then we will enjoy NomNom, Charlie, Annabelle, Madeline, Martyn, Leelo, Xtreme, Quentin, Georgie, Riley, Ophelia, Violet, Kevin, Jenny, and Iggy (all named by the 4h teen)

Stay tuned for more in our adventure!
Well this first batch of peeps is doing well guys! They are feathering out and even have tails starting, so adorable



They mostly peep, eat and poop but are also starting to groom and dustbathe and act more like our girls when we got them at about a week old. We have a great playland set up for them but will wait till this new set can join the brooder before we try it out. Till then they will all hang out together but seperate.

There has been much activity with the hatching eggs, we have 3 littles and a millie so far with 9 more pipped or pipping. Cant wait to see a marans baby



We have 15 more chicks, still waiting on a slowpoke who should be here by morning, shes taking longer to cook up






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Great posts and congrats on your hatch(s)! I do have a quick question, when you deciphered the gender on the chicks on day one through, wing and feet size, what exactly were you looking for? Thanks so much.
Great posts and congrats on your hatch(s)! I do have a quick question, when you deciphered the gender on the chicks on day one through, wing and feet size, what exactly were you looking for? Thanks so much.

Thanks! Sure, I had read that some boys feather slower. The girls wings showed feather pins poking out faster, they stick out like longshortlongshortlong pattern. The boys were kinda like the same length all across.

At a week old I can still see a difference in growth between the two, now especially that the girls are growing tails and shoulder feathers and the roo is not yet.

For this barred rock mix there are other hints :
1) girls tend to have darker beaks and legs while the boys have yellow.
2) girls being slender and petite while boys stocky and masculine looking
3) boys are larger in size as well as height
4) boys can have larger white head marks
5) boys have more white in barring patterns
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More babies!

AToday is day 21 for our set of 13 RIR eggs for the 4h. This evening (after a long afternoon of hovabator checking...)

6 eggs have pipped.....again a little later than I thought but maybe they're waiting on my chickencrazylady sister who is visiting in the morning!
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This hatch was our first experience with late stage loss and 2 didnt make the hatch. 2 pipped blood vessels in the side and 2 others were malpositioned but all hatched with assistance. There was also a surprise chantecler chick (breeder told me before hand and was happy to possibly hatch it alongside)

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