have a fly problem, this really helped me out!! Pic

oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I hate the darn flies! Little buggers! Don't drink soda, but I'll drink a liter to get rid of the flies.
We're new to chickens so I don't know how this works outside but to keep the flies out of the house we hang a ziploc sandwich bag with a penny in it over the sliding door leading to our deck which we like to keep open during the summer. It is really amazing, but it works. I have only had a handful of flies each year in my house since starting this. In years past, I'd have a dozen buzzing around the family room every day if I left the door open.
Brickwood, is there anything special about the penny, is it shiny, dull, or just a plain penny pinned to the wall above the door or dangling in front of the door opening in a sandwich bag?
Inside or outside?
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Use a shiny penny. You also have to drop it in a clear plastic bag filled with water. Seems I read that the reflection of the penny through the water tends to confuse the flies due to their multi-faceted eyes and they thus avoid that area. ...or something like that.

Best wishes,
Hmm, I've got no problem with getting rid of the yellow jackets, but bees? I wonder if it would be possible to drill a hole in the cap that would be small enough to exclude bees but let in flies?

Hmm, I've got no problem with getting rid of the yellow jackets, but bees? I wonder if it would be possible to drill a hole in the cap that would be small enough to exclude bees but let in flies?


I make and use those. I have never caught bees in mine, just WASPS and yellow jackets. I think that is what they meant. Wasps can't fly back out because of the way their wings work, like they can't take off straight up. I think bees can actually get out or just aren't interested. The only other thing I have seen around my traps is hummingbirds. We have loads of bees around, just not interested in these traps I guess.

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