Have to brag about the Musky Babies


or something like what is in your avatar?
love the pearls by the way.

Studies indicate that inbreeding in Muscovies does not seem to be a problem, at least thru a number of generations. The white head gene is dominate. White head can manifest early on in your duckling or up to a year later.... I've seen both. Early showing probably indicates a doble dose of the gene while the later manifestation indicates 1 dose.
Ours swim in our pool and will stand out in the heaviest downpour but run when I spray the hose to cool them off which I do as if it's light rain coming down(one of our groups of silkies will also not take cover in a rainstorm, actually the opposite, they come out of the coop!)...
Usually you can tell if a bird is going to be a whitehead as it will have white feathers interspersed throughout the normal color of the head. This can take a over a year, if my memory is correct. I'm thinking some birds don't get a full white head until they're 2 or thereabouts.
Your little duckies are sooo cute, and if I were closer I would buy all of them.....I really want the chocolate ones..anyone know of anyone in Va. that has some???

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