Have you ever smelled your chickens?

Only when ill, really. I smell the coop to make sure it's still clean smelling, particularly after heavy rains. I don't want any complaining neighbors.
Yep...I agree! I love the smell of horses, cows and my chickens. We are a strange and wonderful group! (or maybe it's the REST of the world that is "strange"!!!)

We keep our coop clean, I don't mind a slight odor, but I don't want it to stink or become unhealthy. I've smelled those egg "farms" and it's enough to make you vomit. The chickens themselves smell good, nice and clean. As long as they can dust bathe, I think it keeps them in excellent condition.
I haven't got any chickens (yet!) and yes it sounds weird that a chicken could smell nice. I somehow always thought chickens would smell like a petco except less of the rodent smell and much less strong. I always liked that smell but my family scrunches their noses at it and I see others do the same when the smell hits them. Others smile.
I think that when you love a critter you come to love the smell. My cats don't stink, except after a fart (and they do fart) and even when the coop stinks due to rain, the chickens don't smell.
I must admit I am not the best at coop cleaning, it is due now, either I add more bedding or sweep and compost the stuff in there. Normally I only scrub it down once a year, and it is that time. I let the litter get pretty deep over the winter and it smelled by spring, but last year I didn't have nest boxes. Think it will be cleaned more often since the babies should lay in Feb, and I think I will have a couple girls lays off and on all winter.

Now my daughter thinks the chickens stink, coop and all, but not as bad as dogs. She's a devoted cat person.
Pick up a dry chicken and sniff it...
A nice pleasant clean smell . I smell a chicken at least once a day...
And yes some times they smell like peanut butter! Especially when one of the kids just got done eating a PJ sandwich and then ran out to the coop to hug a chicken.....

I purposely went out and smelled my chickens the other day just because I had been reading this post. I had never actually stuck my nose right in their feathers before (and I've only had chickens for 6 weeks now). Guess what? They smell great! And they're just so cuddley too! I may have to smell my chickens on a daily basis now

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