Hawk attack. Graphic pics *Updated pics 3/30/15

I think I am going to try the Frontline drops on her and our cat first and keep washing our bedding and clothing and see how that goes. I worry about using Sevin and having a mobile baby/young toddler. I did dust out mattress with diatomaceous earth and also the baseboards in the bathroom and around the base of our bed. (Our mattress is on the floor) I have been changing the sheets and washing and drying them on hot every night since realizing what is going on. I really need to get her back outside so we can really tackle the mite issue. I feel like it is really pointless as long as we have chickens in the house.

So how is the patient doing? Curious how her recovery is coming along.
So how is the patient doing? Curious how her recovery is coming along.

I have been meaning to update for a week or so now. I really need to take pictures ASAP, but we are away until tomorrow evening. She is doing incredible. She has muscle growing up and over the bone and skin growing along behind the muscle. The exposed joint has a large black knob shaped scab that is slowly growing up and looks like it will peel off eventually. She is regaining some motion in the wing and she is dying to get out of the dog kennel that she is in. We have her in the basement with 2 other hens and a rooster who were recuperating from other much more minor injuries that they got over the winter, but she is in the kennel so they can't pick on her. She is so much more active with the others within sight. I really need to get the roo out so she can be with the hens.

I will get pics in a day or two and you will be amazed at her progress. I am so thankful I didn't put her down. I really thought that was the only choice, and she has truly come back from the brink. :)
You can see here where all of her neck feathers have grown back in. They are not completely grown back to full length, but they are filling in very nicely!
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[/IMG] The black bit in the middle is the only piece of bone left exposed. You can see the muscle growing up around the bone and has almost entirely enclosed it. The skin is growing along on the left side just in front of the feather line. It seems to be following the muscle and slowly covering it up.
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The round part to the right of the wound is where the joint was pretty much completely exposed and the black knob was. She must have picked it off, or it fell off today. I went down to take pics of her and found it looking like normal (somewhat dry) muscle tissue.

I am not sure if I should be keeping the fresh new muscle moist to keep it flexible, but it seems to be growing in just fine dry too. It just all looks so bizarre to me, and I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that this chicken is still alive, much less growing new muscle and skin over a completely exposed bone and partially exposed joint. She is super feisty these days and begging to be let loose with her gal pals.
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