Hawk attack. Graphic pics *Updated pics 3/30/15


You can see her exposed wing bone here.
So I found the Wonder Dust and Pen G and I also bought a bottle of Vetricyn. I sprayed her down with the Vetricyn and am going to dust her in a bit. I am going to give her the injection tonight but need to figure out how much to give. I am guessing she weighs around 8lbs. Definitely more than 5 and less than 10 and I have no way to accurately weigh her, so I am going to have to guesstimate.

When I came home from work, she seemed super thirsty and hungry and her crop is nearly empty, so no sour crop issues at the moment. I mixed up some baby food green beans with baby food turkey and some powdered probiotics and watered it down so it is runny and put it on a plate for her.

I am a bit nervous to give an injection, but I am assuming there are YouTube videos showing how to give one??
So I found the Wonder Dust and Pen G and I also bought a bottle of Vetricyn. I sprayed her down with the Vetricyn and am going to dust her in a bit. I am going to give her the injection tonight but need to figure out how much to give. I am guessing she weighs around 8lbs. Definitely more than 5 and less than 10 and I have no way to accurately weigh her, so I am going to have to guesstimate.

When I came home from work, she seemed super thirsty and hungry and her crop is nearly empty, so no sour crop issues at the moment. I mixed up some baby food green beans with baby food turkey and some powdered probiotics and watered it down so it is runny and put it on a plate for her.

I am a bit nervous to give an injection, but I am assuming there are YouTube videos showing how to give one??

Poor baby! Looks like the dang hawk was trying to eat her alive. Glad she has perked up. If you pick up some baby rice or oatmeal cereal, I sometimes mix the baby peas or beans with that and it helps nurish them a bit more than just the baby green beans. It's tough keeping them nurished while that crop hole is healing.

If you think she weighs 8lbs then the dose would be eight tenths of a ml. Easy to measure out with a one ml syringe. It's not a real big deal is you miss her weight by a pound or so. Overdosing by a tenth is not as bad as underdosing. So, you can weigh her if you want or just try the eight pound dose.

Wipe the rubber cap of the bottle with alcohol, take your clean needle and syringe and pull some air in the needle. At least half of the syringe. Push the needle in the rubber top of bottle and push in the air. I read this makes it easier to draw out the medicine. Then invert your bottle and slowly draw out the amount of medicine you need. You may have to push some back in if you notice air pockets in the syringe. Just push it back in and draw it out slowly. Or if you have a bubble, draw out a little more than you need and push a little out to remove the air. You inject into her muscle, either breast or thigh. Breast is easier to find and I would do the side without the crop. Have someone hold her for you, you don't want her flapping away when you stick her. Just push aside some feathers until you see the skin, dab with alcohol, insert needle about 1/4 or 1/2 inch (if you hit bone you will know it and she will let you know) and inject. A new sharp needle makes it very easy. If you bought extra needles, good. If not, just clean and sanitize that one for later use. Wipe the top of your medicine bottle clean with alcohol swab and store in refrigerator. Prior to using PenG, you want to bring it to room temp a bit and shake to mix it very well. It is thick stuff, so I hope you bought an 18 ga needle. It's much easier to inject with that size as opposed to smaller needles. You don't have to inject in the same place the next day. You can do the thigh, then breast or other thigh etc. Just alternate.
Hope this explaination helps.
Thanks so much for the info. I bought 20 gauge needles and it seemed ok. It was incredibly hard to get to her breast muscle as she is so torn up I was nervous to hold her on her side. I wrapped her in a towel and my husband held her down and I injected. She was super wiggly so I ended up finding a spot and just spraying it with iodine before injecting. She seems totally fine now, so I am guessing she is ok. I have her a bit less than .1ml as all I had is 3ml syringes. Do I give it once per day? That is what I gathered from the other threads here about using Pen G.

I will try the baby oatmeal tomorrow. And see how she does. I have an 8 month old and have some baby cereal that he doesn't eat so that is an easy one.

I dusted her with the Wonder Dust and it is completely covered, but I noticed tonight that her wing is no longer flexible at all. I can't tuck it against her body at all. It hangs down and when I tried to gently flex it back into position, it was super stiff and she protested loudly.

All of her wounds smell normal and there is nothing that looks like pus or off color so I am assuming there is no infection yet, which seems shocking to me.

As for the hawk, yes, I think it was eating her alive. She is missing so many feathers and so much of her shoulder muscle. I have no idea how she is still alive, much less looking like she has a chance to pull through. It really is a horrific injury. She will be in the house until at least summer at this point if she makes it.
Also, how long do I give the Pen g for? I have read no more than 4 days, 7 days and 10 days all in various places. Her injury is so large, I would think longer would be better, but it will likely not be closed up for a very long time.

Also, do I dose once per day or twice?

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