Hawk attack. Graphic pics *Updated pics 3/30/15

I hope she pulls through. It breaks my heart to see little beasts in distress.

We had a hawk attack last week (maybe an osprey). The little hen can walk again without a limp already, but her right eye is swollen and completely Black (no dilation). She can't quite feed herself on her first or second try, so we think it's blinded.

Is there any chicken eye ointment for this kind of thing? I figure she'll adjust and she doesn't seem to be in too much discomfort but her sisters will peck at her head and she can't even see it coming now.

Sorry to hijack the thread, but it felt weird to start a second "hawk attack" thread on the same day.
If she survives the night she will definitely be in for months. She flipped her laundry basket so we put her on a towel with the basket over her and she seems to be settling down. I am hoping it is a good sign that she was trying to get out. I know she needs to be quiet and we are trying.
I honestly think we will be putting her down later tonight. We moved her to a smaller bathroom that my son doesn't use and she flapped really hard and tore her shoulder even more and I can now hear a sucking sound coming from her injury. :( She is laying quietly now but I am going to check on her in an hour or two and make a decision. This is heartbreaking.
It is so hard because they are so personable and individually neat!
And it sucks when someone you love is harmed!

sorry you are going through this.

Keep us posted on her progress
I lost my Brahma hen to a hawk attack about 3 months ago. I think the buff color is easier for a hawk to hone in on as opposed to the darker color chickens. Anyway, my hen had a punctured lung as well and expired a day & half later.
She is resting quietly and breathing normally for now. She hasn't had anything to eat or drink and I am not sure if I should try to offer or let her rest for the night. I tried to bandage her wings to her body with vet wrap earlier but she wiggled out and I was worried she was making her injury worse so she is not bandaged.

She had laid on her side when I first put her in after taking her bandage off but is now back sitting on her feet. I don't know what to think. I want to give her electrolytes, but I also don't want to disturb her. I have peeked in at her with a headlamp a couple of times and she hasn't moved in an hour or two.
Well, she is alive this morning and I found her standing up in her basket. She definitely has a punctured lung. All of her breath sounds are coming from her wound, but it isn't fast or labored. I wonder if I can find penicillin at Tractor Supply and give her an injection of it? I am going to try to get water and a bit of yogurt into her today and we will see what the day brings.

We have a Brahma roo that was her buddy and he is lost without her in the coop. At bedtime he was standing apart from the rest of the flock looking very dejected. I don't think he is injured but I think he definitely wonders where his hen is. :(

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