Hawk attack

Even adult chickens are at risk of hawk attacks. As you learned the hawks are not unwilling to eat the chicken on the ground right where they killed it. I don't free range my chickens unless they can be supervised. At least they have a secure coop. Again so sorry you had to lose one of your babies.
Had a
Even adult chickens are at risk of hawk attacks. As you learned the hawks are not unwilling to eat the chicken on the ground right where they killed it. I don't free range my chickens unless they can be supervised. At least they have a secure coop. Again so sorry you had to lose one of your babies.
I’ve had a Coopers Hawk fly in through a 2’x2’ opening into my chicken run and proceed to eat my 1 bird while the other 9 watched. They were over a year old at this point. Good luck
OP, thread below if your hawk is a Coopers Hawk. I have lots of experience with Coopers Hawks mostly because they are relatively brazen and most of the experience does not involve loss of chickens. The larger Red-tailed Hawk is less of a problem for me because they do not like to hunt in heavy cover around penned adult roosters and dogs that come running when chickens sound the alarm.


Male Coopers hawk captured early in thread was able to squeeze through 2" x 4" welded wire fencing to kill a juvenile. Same juvenile would have been killed by a broody hen If I did not intervene.
Roosters or heritage breeds are all I can suggest, as the hawks will always be back.This image is from some random hawk that slammed into my house and is recovering after stunning itself after trying to predate my birds. I do hate cooper's as they will hunt in packs with one to distract the flock. NM not uploading a file as my jpg is in a weird format.

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