Hawk - bought to lose my patience


12 Years
Feb 15, 2007
Middle TN
I have done all the things i can think of, short of totally enclosing the pen, to stop this hawk from getting my chicks but to no avail. he has already got 4 of them and i am about to lose my patience and shoot him. I know it is not advised but i am to the point that i really don't care. Guess i just needed to rant a little (as i load my shotgun) so thanks everyone for being here to listen to my frustrations.
Could you keep your chicks in a completely enclosed area until they're bigger and less tempting for a mid-day snack for the hawk?
I've got hawks all around, but my chickens are older and run for cover or just stay in the woods.
If you have a small area to cover and don't want a net, get one of those thousand yard plus spools of fishing line from K-Mart. Criss cross the line over the area and put little pieces of material on it. This worked for the a friends little girl. It was her brother that came up with the idea. He was tried of seeing his sister crying over a lost chick.
Wow panner, wish I had known that 2 days ago. It is really expensive to try and enclose an area. But after what we went through with the hawk literally crawling under a bush to get to my hens, I don't care if it takes Fort Know to keep em safe. But great idea about the fishing line!!
I am going to fence a small area for my chicks this weekend. I like the fishing line idea, especially since the area will be temporary. (A bigger area will be coming as soon as I get a little time ) My daughter and I took some chicks out today (They are 7 weeks old) to enjoy the weather and they loved it!

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