Hawks having a feast (graphic photos)


The fact that the federal govt protects theses birds over the lives of livestock animals is disgusting, we are overrun with birds of prey in our area and the wild small game has taken a major hit, grouse and snowshoe hare are nonexistent here, you can hunt all day and be lucky to come across 1 when 25 yrs ago you could jump 25 grouse with a walk in the woods and a good dog. Nary a song bird comes to the feeders anymore. It seems they are trying to erradicate all the game animals and replace them with predators.
She's literally sitting on the fence post just waiting for my chickens to come out of the coop. Earlier YESSSS for the crows!!! I saw them dive bombing it and it flew away, but not now. She's just sitting there waiting.

I have my two turkey's out of the coop - hawks wont mess with them, right? They are staying inside the open side of the coop, and I think they're too big for the hawks to mess with, but who knows when something is hungry?

Anyone ever had a turkey murdered by a red tailed hawk?

The fact that the federal govt protects theses birds over the lives of livestock animals is disgusting, we are overrun with birds of prey in our area and the wild small game has taken a major hit, grouse and snowshoe hare are nonexistent here, you can hunt all day and be lucky to come across 1 when 25 yrs ago you could jump 25 grouse with a walk in the woods and a good dog. Nary a song bird comes to the feeders anymore. It seems they are trying to erradicate all the game animals and replace them with predators.
Isn't that just awful. Why can't they stick to rodents!
My chickens free range all day long. Our "LSG" is a black lab who keeps an eye on them. He's old, so he sleeps inside at night. Our runs are covered with 2x4 welded wire. Plenty sturdy to keep the flying predators out. As for your chicken, if she were mine - favorite or not - I'd do the kindest thing for her and put her out of her misery. I have tried to fix and cure and make better my share of birds, and in the long run all I've accomplished is to prolong the suffering of too many of them. Think about the pain she must be feeling from those wounds alone, and even more so when you're messing with them while treating her.
I would take your hen to a vet. Even if they don't see chickens they should be able to clean the wounds and give you some antibiotics to help her. I would try to save her.
I'm all for trying to save your bird but if by now she isn't showing improvement and is acting like she is in pain from you trying to doctor her I would put her down. Sorry but it may be for the best.
Wow sorry for your hawk attack, OP. We were excited last year when a red tailed hawk pair sired some offspring in our yard last year, but now I'm not so sure. This is our first foray into chickens, we are getting 8 chicks tonight and the coop is being built currently. I wanted the hawks to control other things, like rabbits that get into our veggie garden, but I don't want them to get a taste for chickens! I'll be sure to have some sort of top on the run, and will think twice about allowing any free range in the back yard.
Wow sorry for your hawk attack, OP. We were excited last year when a red tailed hawk pair sired some offspring in our yard last year, but now I'm not so sure. This is our first foray into chickens, we are getting 8 chicks tonight and the coop is being built currently. I wanted the hawks to control other things, like rabbits that get into our veggie garden, but I don't want them to get a taste for chickens! I'll be sure to have some sort of top on the run, and will think twice about allowing any free range in the back yard.
We have both hawks and great horned owls living in our grove. My chickens free range all day, and I've never had a hawk attack. Could be because I live on a farm and there is plenty of other food around for the hawks to eat so they don't need to come near our building site and eat my chickens. I have, however, lost chickens to a GHO when I had some that insisted on roosting in the trees at night. I think alot of it depends on where you live. My aunt lives in St. Paul, MN and her neighbor has chickens. They have a very brave hawk that visits their yard regularly.
^^^thanks. We will probably allow our hens to free range when we are home. I hope I don't get too attached to them like I know the rest of my family will lol. I have seen a lot of free ranging chickens in Indianapolis the last 6 weeks since we decided to do this!

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