he said yes!!


7 Years
Feb 8, 2012
Julian, PA
So we went to TSC today to pick up some feed and misc stuff. They were all sold out of everything chick and duck wise. But I asked and they said they will be getting more of both.

Now my wonderful hubby is happily along for the ride with my new found chicken habit. He has built a brooder, working on a day pen and coop comes next. I said 6 chicks, we are up to 11 and I have 6 silkies ordered and mentioned the other day that I would like 2 EEs.

Today when we came out of TSC, he looks at my 8 year old and said "guess we are getting Mama some ducks soon". That is a yes... RIGHT??


gotta love that man of mine!
well what kinds do they sell? and what are you after in ducks? I own only Muscovy, I get some eggs(cough.. i have dozens right now) and they are great foragers and quiet lol

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