He thinks he's sexy, NOT


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 14, 2011

This is RT formerly rescue tom, now ratty tom. Have you ever seen a more bedraggled boy. Lol. He struts around like he still has a full set of feathers and he is sooo proud.
I can't wait to see this guy fully feathered. He's gonna be something!
Don't let him hear you, he might get his feelings hurt!
He is a bit raggedy now, but I'll bet, he'll be a real looker when he gets brand new feathers
Don't let him hear you, he might get his feelings hurt!   :lau     He is a bit raggedy now, but I'll bet, he'll be a real looker when he gets brand new feathers   :celebrate

Poor guy! I agree though, his feathers will come back soon enough. He's got beautiful coloring for a burbon red. That dark red color is what you're looking for, not a washed-out orange-red.
Thanks guys, I'll post pic when he is fully feathered again. In spite of the way he looks now, I am really pleased with his progress. When I got him in the early summer, he had been raised in a raised wire cage all of his life. His feet were in terrible condition, swollen to twice the normal size with nails that were long and twisted. He has made remarkable progress and has recently integrated well with the rest of my flock. He still isn't strong enough to roost up as high as my other boys but I think that will resolve as he continues to gain condition. Does anyone have an idea as to his age?

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