Health of tractor supply chicks??

If customers were allowed to handle the chicks, I'd never consider purchasing. Due to the possibility of mix up, as well as chicks perhaps being squeezed, or dropped by inexperienced handlers. Then, there's the whole biosecurity issue.
At my local Tractor Supply, the customers are not "allowed" to handle the chicks. There is a fence around the bins and signs saying to not handle the chicks. But they don’t have armed guards there to assure someone doesn’t ignore the rules. As we all know, the rules don’t apply to some people so it is certainly possible someone unauthorized may touch them.
Now one of them is sneezing but thats all... No nasal or eye discharge or anything also eatting like a pig??? Should i be worried?
Our local tractor supply keeps things very clean and fresh. They sell out crazy fast. I usually order my chicks from a major hatchery but yesterday decided to pick up a couple of ducklings from tractor.They look great and made it last night :) 38 f in Wisconsin. one red heat lamp kept them at 85 f.

I will keep you posted on the little quackers progress.

All my chicks made it and are now in with the bigger birds! Thank you for all the advice :)

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