Healthy looking chicken dies, why?


9 Years
Jun 26, 2010
Lake Oswego
My favorite chicken, a one+ year old barred rock, died today. I let the birds out of the coop this afternoon as I always do. She looked great, acted like normal. When I went out to secure them for the night she wasn't around. I searched the grounds and found her dead and totally intact. I looked her over well and found no bugs, no wounds, no anything. She was wormed a month ago and has been acting like her perky self. Do laying hens die of heart attacks like meaties at an early age sometimes? Should I give the others some type of medicine? She was not eggbound as she layed today and every day this week.
sorry for your loss. Sometimes they just die don't know why
This has happened to us before (once or twice in 4 years) and we have assumed that it was due to a snake bite. Even though we didn't see marks, we figured the feathers may have hidden them. It hasn't happened in quite a while and doesn't seem to affect any other chickens. If there are possibilities other than a snake, I'd love to know them!
Thank you for your reply. I live in a part of urban Oregon where there are no snakes. Coons, 'possems, hawks and skunks. But no snakes. wasp?
I don't know about a wasp. We live in Central Alabama in the country, so snakes are pretty common. DH has killed 2 or three in the coop already this year but they were chicken snakes. Bleh .... really don't like the snakes!! Coon or possum should be obvious. Will a skunk kill a chicken?
Coon or possum should be obvious.--Edited to clarify: I meant that if a coon or possum had killed the chicken, there would probably be unmistakable signs of an attack. Sorry about that!!
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Yes, it isn't unusual for a chicken to die of a heart attack at that age. I lost one the same age as yours, healthy to the end. Took her for a necropsy and they found her liver had burst. This is usually due to being overweight which I didn't realize she was. So, those are two possible reasons. I'm sorry you lost her. I know how devastating it feels.
Yes, skunks will kill chickens, but they're nocturnal so probably not during the day. I lost a cockerel when we had the extreme heats a couple of weeks ago. He was laying with the rest of the flock, under their favorite cover and he was just dead. I think it was the heat but some things we'll just never know.
Well with temps like that, that's not the problem. There are so many things that it could have been. A necropsy would probably tell you, but not sure if you want to do that.

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