Heart attacks in Women

I just wanted to throw my .02 in as well.

My SIL is an overweight, former smoker in her mid 40's.......just like me. Two weeks ago, she went out to feed the dogs when she began experiencing a 'cramp' similiar to the pain one feels after a hard run. After sitting down for a few minutes, she realized it wasn't going away, and that her arms felt as though she'd repeatedly lifted something very heavy.

During cardiac cath it was found she only had one very small artery that was occlused (blocked). It was decided she had NOT suffered an MI, but had a something of a 'warning shot'. (I'm thinking maybe angina???) Next time she may not be so lucky.

But, she and I and every other woman we know who has heard her story as well as that of others, have had our eyes opened a bit. Thank God she's okay.

And, thank you for sharing this email. I can't stress enough how important it is to listen to our bodies. Nobody knows our body better than we do.

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