Heat for chicks


Mar 13, 2018
I recently purchased 33 chicks from McMurray Hatchery. They were shipped on a Monday and I finally got them on a Thursday morning. (Thanks USPS :( )

So I placed them in my 5 ft. kids pool with a red heat lamp about 3' above. Checking the temperature so it wasn't too hot. A small thermometer checking.

Over the course of 48 hours now I have lost 8 chicks. All seemed to be crushed by the "MAD RUN" of chicks. They would all bunch up together under the light.

Its in my garage and the temp. is 70 in there as well. I watched them for awhile and came to the conclusion they were cold. So I lowered the lamp to about 2 feet from the floor of the pool. Wood chips down.

That opened them up to feed and drink. No fault of the Hatchery. Just the fact that shipping isn't what it used to be even for live animals.

I'm holding my breath on survival of the remaining. I hadn't raised chicks in 3 years. Live and hopefully learn. These are special breed -- Bielefelder.
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Sorry about the losses. I know some people would say it's fine having large numbers in a single brooder, but I think it's safer to divide up the group and brooder into smaller sections, so more difficult for chicks to crowd into each other like that. The long ship time didn't help either, they were probably quite chilly and thirsty by the time you got them.

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