Heat lamp help


Mar 24, 2017
We just got our Isa browns chicks yesterday evening. I'm guessing they are about 2wks old when I plugged the heat lamp in the stayed around the edge of my brooder(?) It is about 25" off of the living space.i turned it off this morning and they are more spread out They are inside my house for right now and it stays about 70. Can I just leave the heat lamp off during the day since they seem comfortable.
*This is my first batch of chicks/chickens.
Sorry I put this on the wrong spot.
I see you asked your question over on the right forum but it looks like you haven't done a "new member intro" so here's an "official" howdy!
Switch that heat lamp bulb out with a lower wattage bulb. They aren't quite old enough yet to be without a heat source completely, but a full strength bulb is too much, especially inside a house.
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G’Day from down under whatthecluck24

Best wishes to you and littlies.

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