Heat lamp suggestions?


Free Ranging
Nov 10, 2019
Northern California
I’m planning on getting some heat lamps to keep my geese warm this winter, they have mycoplasma so extra heat is now a necessity on frigid nights.

Any suggestions on good lamps? What do you use or what would you suggest?
I don't have a specific brand in mind, don't even know what brand I use. My suggestion is to throw away the clamp that comes with it so you are not tempted to use it and support the heat lamp with wire or chain. That clamp can get knocked lose. String or plastic can bun or melt. If you securely support it with wire or chain you have eliminated most of the fire risk with using a heat lamp
I don't have a specific brand in mind, don't even know what brand I use. My suggestion is to throw away the clamp that comes with it so you are not tempted to use it and support the heat lamp with wire or chain. That clamp can get knocked lose. String or plastic can bun or melt. If you securely support it with wire or chain you have eliminated most of the fire risk with using a heat lamp
Thank you for the advice!
I don't have a specific brand in mind, don't even know what brand I use. My suggestion is to throw away the clamp that comes with it so you are not tempted to use it and support the heat lamp with wire or chain. That clamp can get knocked lose. String or plastic can bun or melt. If you securely support it with wire or chain you have eliminated most of the fire risk with using a heat lamp

I have been a Firefighter for 26 years and have been to several structure fires where heat lamps were to blame.

If for some reason heat lamp is required I would aggee that finding a solid/permanent way to mount the lamp would be crucial. trusting the clamp would be a bad idea

Some people will put a screw in so the clamp cannot slide off.. like in this picture

If I had no other choice I would go a bit farther and find a way to attach the clamp to the board so that it could only be moved or removed with a screw driver

I have also heard that if you open your coop and a gust of super cold air hits the lamp the bulb can shatter.

I wonder if a panel style heater like this one would work fit your needs. They can be free standing, mounted to the wall, or hung...

I'd look into sweeter heaters or some other radiant heater first, instead of a heat lamp, as heat lamps are the top causes of coop fires.

I have been a Firefighter for 26 years and have been to several structure fires where heat lamps were to blame.

If for some reason heat lamp is required I would aggee that finding a solid/permanent way to mount the lamp would be crucial. trusting the clamp would be a bad idea

Some people will put a screw in so the clamp cannot slide off.. like in this picture
View attachment 2866521

If I had no other choice I would go a bit farther and find a way to attach the clamp to the board so that it could only be moved or removed with a screw driver

I have also heard that if you open your coop and a gust of super cold air hits the lamp the bulb can shatter.

I wonder if a panel style heater like this one would work fit your needs. They can be free standing, mounted to the wall, or hung...

View attachment 2866530

Whichever type I get will be hung from the ceiling out of reach, I won’t use the clamps if it’s a typical lamp, I know those don’t work from expierience. It has to be ceiling mounted where the geese can’t reach any part of it because geese just LOVE chewing on cords.
I like the idea of radiant heaters though I can’t find anywhere where it says the range of area they can heat. I’ll need to hang it out of reach, which is pretty high because they’re geese which can reach pretty high, so above 4 ft at least, but will the distance make the heater pointless?
I would contact the sweeter heater company and ask them your questions.
715-651-9757. Located in Wisconsin
I purchased one of their products recently for the subzero days we get here.
Can I ask how big your coop is and how big of a heater you got? I went to their site and there are a few different sizes. Also did you wall mount it or hang from the ceiling? Just wonder what your plans was (also from WI)
I purchased the 40” long, to hang from the ceiling. It’s still in the box, as we have not had time to hang it yet. I want to hang it soon, so they get used to it being there before the real cold comes, and they will be comfortable with it hanging above them. I have some older hens, and they seemed so miserable in the cold last winter-I just want to take the edge off the really cold temps.

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