Heat lamp?


Mar 13, 2015
I'm new to the site and first time raising chicks. Was wondering, how long I should keep the heat on my chicks? I live in central Pennsylvania and still have about a foot of snow on the ground so I really can't even get them outside yet. They are in a hutch on my dining room table so they are staying warm that way just don't want them to be too warm.
I keep it on mine all day every day, until they are 6-8 weeks. Start at 90 Fahrenheit and Each week you go down 5 degrees Fahrenheit. The lowest after that is 70 Fahrenheit
If the chicks all crowd under the light, they are too cold, if they are all trying to get away from the light, they are too hot. BSL Egger gave you good advice. Just take your lead from the chicks. They will tell you what they need as far as heat if you pay attention.

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