Heimlich ate plastic


Apr 9, 2023
😑 ironic, I know. But my duck, Heimlich, got hold of a piece of what looked like soft plastic wrapping that was in the back yard today. He swallowed it before I could grab it. How worried should I be about this….? If it’s soft and malleable is there a good chance he will pass it or is it going to cause a blockage issue?
How big of a piece? and how big is the duck>(breed? age>?)
I know of a duck that died from eating a deflated balloon :(
but one of my geese once ate an elastic hair tie and she was fine
How big of a piece? and how big is the duck>(breed? age>?)
I know of a duck that died from eating a deflated balloon :(
but one of my geese once ate an elastic hair tie and she was fine
The piece was probably half the size of my palm… he’s a big duck. He’s a jumbo Pekin, a year old, and probably weighs about 13 lbs.
He might be ok I hope he passes it, maybe theres something you can give him to help it go through, let's tag @Miss Lydia
One time my dog ate a stick of butter including the wax paper wrapping…. I had to chase him around the yard with a turkey baster full of peroxide to make him throw it up. It was not a good time. But I don’t know if you can make a duck throw up and if that’s the way.. really getting a run for my money with these two boys…
One time my dog ate a stick of butter including the wax paper wrapping…. I had to chase him around the yard with a turkey baster full of peroxide to make him throw it up. It was not a good time. But I don’t know if you can make a duck throw up and if that’s the way.. really getting a run for my money with these two boys…
No definitly do not make a duck throw up
I am not sure. I wish I could say yes he will. I don't know what the gizzard will d o with it.

Nope you really don't want to force any poultry to throw up they can easily aspirate.
How long do they usually take to process food? I have a friend whose chicken ate something foreign (she never found out what it was, but it was likely metal and sharp because it tore her up coming out) and she’s fine now. I’m hoping for this scenario…. But if i call the vet for help it’ll be almost 24 hours from him swallowing it to being seen so not sure if it’s going to harm him before i can get help.
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How long do they usually take to process food? I have a friend whose chicken ate something foreign (she never found out what it was, but it was likely metal and sharp because it tore her up coming out) and she’s fine now. I’m hoping for this scenario…. But if i call the vet for help it’ll be almost 24 hours from him swallowing it to being seen so not sure if it’s going to harm him before i can get help.
Lets see if we can get @casportpony to weigh in.

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