Hello (again) from WYO


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2016
I posted here a year ago when I got my new chicks. All 9 were killed by my dogs in a matter of minutes when they were about 10 weeks old
And I'm just now getting past that traumatic expericence and venturing back into chicken ownership.. this time I have 6 Australorps, 3 RIR, 3 Barred Rocks, and 3 Golden Wyandotts. I ordered them as day old chicks from My Pet Chicken and aside from a few pasty butts, I had a great experience with them. I was nervous ordering them mid-February and having them shipped, but I didn't lose a single chick! I can't believe I didn't get pictures as tiny chicks. So sad. Anyhow, we are really beefing up our cooped and run to make it predator proof. Just reintroducing myself and my new flock! (yes there's really 15 in there!)
Welcome (back) to BYC -- I am so sorry your first venture turned out so badly. I am glad you have reached the point of being ready to try again and wish you the very best with your new flock!
welcome back to byc and chickens!

Have you built a better coop?
Dog proofed it?
Greetings from Kansas and welcome back to the flock! So sorry to hear about the dog attack.
Dogs are the worst predator, in my opinion. That don't just steal one to eat and run off with it - they wipe out the whole flock. Glad you didn't abandon the chicken lifestyle based on that one experience. Best wishes on your second go round!
What a horrible experience. A lot of devastation is caused by owners dogs/cats. Poor chicks. Are the dogs still in the picture? Has anything changed that would guarantee they don't repeat the carnage? Hope things work out this time.
What a horrible experience.  A lot of devastation is caused by owners  dogs/cats. Poor chicks.  Are the dogs still in the picture?  Has anything changed that would guarantee they don't repeat the carnage?   Hope things work out this time.:hugs

The first time was kind of a freak accident. My boyfriend took the dogs into town so I could let them have a little free range time out of their run. They all seemed happy in a big patch of soggy grass digging up worms so I went inside for a few minutes to change the laundry. When I can back out the dogs (who jumped out of the truck and ran home) had killed them. We are however revamping our run so that it's very sturdy and predator proof while these new chicks are in the brooder. God forbid something like that doesn't happen again!
Hello, and welcome to the forum! I am fixing to celebrate my first year on here, and I have loved it so much, I hope you will too! There is tons of great info and friendly folks, so pull up a chair and make yourself at home! :frow


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