The crossingchicks

6 Years
Dec 19, 2017
I joined today for a couple reasons. I have 6 chickens, all buff Orpington. Three of them are almost a year old (two girls and a boy) , and three are about 2 months old(one girl and two boys). My mother also has chickens and is a big fan of this site for advice.

So, the main reason I joined is because I'm having an issue introducing the babies into the coop (we hatched them ourselves from the eggs of the adults). I tried about a month ago, and one of them was pecked to death by one of the adult females while I was at work. This left us with only three babies.

I followed the advice I found on here, about introducing them in the middle of the night, and keeping them separated at first. Well, once all seemed fine, I let them all hang out together for the day and came home to a dead baby. It was very sad. So, I brought the remaining three back inside to grow a bit more.

Last night, I put them back out in the coop, while the adults were asleep. At some point a little while later, I heard some commotion. I went outside to check and sure enough, an adult female was pecking away at the baby girl. Thank goodness I caught it and the little one is doing fine. I brought her in, cleaned her up and separated the chickens again.

I would keep them segregated, except our coop really isn't conducive to that. And, I was planning to bring the two boys to my mother, as my neighborhood would not be happy with the crowing of three roosters. But, I can't have just one little baby girl all by herself.

So, what should I do? Any suggestions? On a side note, I've noticed that my adults are all pretty aggressive, and love to attack the fence whenever someone is walking by.

Any advice offered is greatly appreciated! Thank you!!
Welcome to BYC!!
So glad to have you here!!
Thanks for sharing your story!!You can build a nursery in the coop or the run (just a little coop for the babies to grow and be safe) that way they are around the others and growing up around them and slowly let them out with them. I let mine out around the end of day before they put them selves up for the night and one night they all went together. But each flock is different.
There are many people on here that are ready to help in anyway they can!
The learning center also has alot of great information on it as well!
I joined today for a couple reasons. I have 6 chickens, all buff Orpington. Three of them are almost a year old (two girls and a boy) , and three are about 2 months old(one girl and two boys). My mother also has chickens and is a big fan of this site for advice.

So, the main reason I joined is because I'm having an issue introducing the babies into the coop (we hatched them ourselves from the eggs of the adults). I tried about a month ago, and one of them was pecked to death by one of the adult females while I was at work. This left us with only three babies.

I followed the advice I found on here, about introducing them in the middle of the night, and keeping them separated at first. Well, once all seemed fine, I let them all hang out together for the day and came home to a dead baby. It was very sad. So, I brought the remaining three back inside to grow a bit more.

Last night, I put them back out in the coop, while the adults were asleep. At some point a little while later, I heard some commotion. I went outside to check and sure enough, an adult female was pecking away at the baby girl. Thank goodness I caught it and the little one is doing fine. I brought her in, cleaned her up and separated the chickens again.

I would keep them segregated, except our coop really isn't conducive to that. And, I was planning to bring the two boys to my mother, as my neighborhood would not be happy with the crowing of three roosters. But, I can't have just one little baby girl all by herself.

So, what should I do? Any suggestions? On a side note, I've noticed that my adults are all pretty aggressive, and love to attack the fence whenever someone is walking by.

Any advice offered is greatly appreciated! Thank you!!

Hello there, and :welcome!

As for your post it sounds like you have quite the dilemma forming!:duc

Personally, I have only dealt with one very aggressive chicken and he was a rooster. He seemed to attack one of the hens quite often. This could have to do with them being protective of their home, or they could just be over aggressive. If this is the case then you must create some kind of partition, as some of the others on this thread have been suggesting. Maybe after the babies grow up the "elder" chickens will be more accepting of them. Alas, for now I would suggest keeping them apart from each other at all times.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your membership here at BYC!

Don't be afraid to wonder around our various forums, and if you have a question ASK ASK ASK at your hearts desire! :love

If you need any further help on your dilemma you can tag me on this thread using @{myusername} or send me a message! :thumbsup

I hope you stay with us a long time, and continue to educate yourself on everything poultry! :wee


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