Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

bantiesrule, you can sex oegb chicks with chipmunk pattern by looking at the black line on the eyes....a solid blk line run all the way is a female a fade or no line is a male. I got them all correct on 4 of my hatches....an old cocker thought me that when I bought his birds.

In the pic, three chicks close to the mom are female and the one on bottom right is a male....you might need to zoom it.

That what I would say. All my chicks are easy to sex as day olds. The males are lighter and don't have a dark stripe on the eye. What color are they?

They are all blue red from blue red sport x bbred.
I bought these chicks at Atwoods a couple weeks ago. I'm thinking they are OEGBs. Can anyone tell me if I'm right and what variety are they?
Chick 1: It has a brownish stipe on top of it's head and back. Should have got a picture from above, I guess.


Chick 2:
Chick # 2 does look like an OEGB. BBred maybe. It has the right leg color.
Chick # 1 I don't know with the dark legs and all.

I plucked 6 out, a few years ago from the Bantie tub, and got all EE's.

But, I have had Hatchery OEGB's with the wrong leg colors.

Minnesota: Sorry, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just not qualified to judge!

Ink Heart: Our 2 females are SUPER sweet, kind of timid, but they let you hold them easily, and are good with the kids. My males are quite the characters. They are brothers, and have grown up together since they hatched. They bicker once in a while, but don't fight each other. They do however like to assert themselves around my bossy Australorp hens. One of my males lost a piece of his comb when my Australorp got a hold of him. The two roosters however, are sweet with their own girls. They are very confident, friendly little birds, and my young daughters play with them, carry them around like baby dolls, and we let them come inside the house sometimes to hang out with us. The "game bird" part of their name raised questions in my mind when we got them, but they haven't shown themselves to be anything more than just loveable.
I love mine, they are so friendly and one of ours talks all the time. I did have an agressive rooster, but i took a spray water bottle and put it on the jet stream and squirted him in the face. After a few times he was my best bud!! lol Really, i was SOO afraid of him and then once we saw eye to eye, we were best buds!

He's not really posed so its hard to tell, but his legs and back seam a little long. Also he needs to be re dubbed as his comb is too high and his wattles and ear lobes are not dubbed.

He's not really posed so its hard to tell, but his legs and back seam a little long. Also he needs to be re dubbed as his comb is too high and his wattles and ear lobes are not dubbed.

Thanks for your imput, he has never been dubbed.
Here's a photo of one I recently finished. There are three of these "apartments" side by side, each one is 4'x4'x6' I haven't painted yet, so it might be hard to see everything well. I also have a tarp that I pull over the front, during bad weather, but in my area, I'm more concerned with heat, than cold. I keep 2 birds in each apartment. I've also added a roost on the left side about halfway up, but I think I did that after the pic was taken.



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