Hello from Beautiful Red Lick Valley, KY!


6 Years
Mar 12, 2013
Estill County, KY
My Coop
My Coop
Hello all!
I grew up a farm girl but we never had chickens - only turkeys (and I learned at an early age that they can be VERY testy critters). I am anxiously awaiting our order of newly-hatched Australorps from MyPetChicken.com, and plan to let them free-range on pasture and supplement with feed after they're old enough to turn out of the brooder box set up in our basement. :)

I look forward to meeting and learning from y'all, and will upload photos of our babies as they arrive and begin to grow. We are in the planning phase of coop building, and have already fenced in a pasture for them. We'll eventually move to letting them free-range on the entire backyard once we get the fences lined with hardware cloth and finish the electric fencing, and secure the rather large garden plot from constant pillagers. :)

To the Staff here, thank you for this amazing website and all the helpful info I've already gleaned. Y'all are great!

Looking forward to my feathered chapter beginning,

Greetings from Kansas, kynewbiechickie, and
! Great to have you with us! Enjoy your new baby Australorps!

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