Hello from CO

Fainting goats are a lot of fun - they don't faint voluntarily, it's more a protection devise.
If they look dead some preds may ignore them. As they mature they stop fainting and just have slight shaking in the legs - so enjoy the fainting while it lasts.
If I understand correctly, they were bred to be a sacrifice for the good of the herd. Predator comes, fainting goat faints, valuable livestock gets away. Sad really. I never try to make our goats faint. It happens at random. They may just get excited at grain time and fall over. Our oldest still faint.
Thanks Chrissy!
Is there a "show your coop thread"? I'd love to post some pics of what I built in a helpful place.
On the top of the page there is a paper icon with the corner folded down. If you click on that and then on the coops page, there is a way to add your coop and build.
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