Hello from Il.

G'Day from down under Mechanicor :frowWelcome!

Congratulations on your new home and new babies! :clap

I do hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

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Thank you all for the welcome and advice so far. Much to think about now. Older gentleman I know who has raised pheasant and chickens said it shouldn’t be a problem when there older but to keep the separate for now. Should I make a shelter in the brooder or is adjusting the lamp for shade good enough for now?

I don't think you need a shelter in the brooder. I've always just adjusted lamps in mine depending on where the birds are positioning themselves and if they all are huddling together or not. I personally think you'll be fine raising chickens, turkeys, and guineas together. Be careful of blackhead with keeping turkeys and chickens together though. Chickens carry it and it can be pretty deadly in turkeys. I have turkeys and chickens together and my family has in the past with no issues, but I am relatively new to turkeys and mine haven't even gotten out of the brooder yet. I've never had guineas but a friend of mine has success with guineas and chickens living together, too. I think as long as you have enough space for each bird, you'll be fine.

Welcome, by the way!

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