Hello From Lancaster County PA


Apr 4, 2014
Hi everyone! I am 27, wife and mother of 3 beautiful kids. We have a little over an acre of land in Lancaster County (Amish country lol). We have been talking about getting some chickens for quite a while now and I think it is finally time!

I have been reading the boards here for some time now just soaking up all the information that I can. A big thank you to everyone who posts here and makes all of this information available for others to learn. I feel I have learned so much.

We are looking at getting 10-12 hens. I have it narrowed down to a few breeds but we will most likely have a mixed flock. The most important qualities that I looked for are temperament (kids will be handling them under supervision), cold hardy, dual purpose for eggs (not sure about meat yet), and lastly appearance.

I have started planning the coop. We will be designing and building it ourselves. My husband was able to get a huge load of pallets for free so we will be taking them apart and re-purposing them. I have not settled on the design yet. Initially I was thinking a bi-level coop with two floors both 6'X5' but I think that may not be practical for cleaning purposes. We are getting 10-12 hens, but I plan on building the coop to accommodate 14 hens each with over 4 sqft per hen. The run will be large enough to give 14 hens over 5 sqft of space each. I think I am leaning towards an 8'X8' coop with 5 nesting boxes and an 8'X12' run.

I have been looking into local laws but I am having difficulty finding any solid information. We live close to farms with cows, pigs, horses, chickens, goats, peacocks, you name it. I know there are houses close to me that have free range chickens. The only thing that I have found is that livestock and poultry cannot be kept within the city limits of Lancaster. If anyone close by can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated! Although, I don't think any of our neighbors would complain but I want to be sure in case there are any limits or regulations that I need to follow.

I look forward to getting to know everyone here and can't wait for the day that we bring our girls home!
Hello, and welcom to BYC! I'm glad you found us!

(I have to admit, I'm addicted to Amish Mafia!)

Anyway - I'm so glad to hear that you're thinking about housing NOW, before you bring your new chicks or hens home. There's a huge section on coops here, and if you become familiar with the search feature (see blue button at top of page), I think you can even find information on "pallet coops."!

BEST of luck, and be sure to post pictures of your progress!

Edited to add - here are a few pallet coop threads to get you started:

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Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your poultry projects, the BYC member reviews on the Breeds section can be helpful info for the breeds you are considering. Have fun with the coop build, pallet coops are are always and interesting build, and good idea to build bigger in case of chicken math.
Have you tried calling your town/city hall for information?, and you might try posting on the BYC Laws forum, I don't see Lancaster listed under the PA database, but maybe under county etc? https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/37/local-chicken-laws-ordinances-and-how-to-change-them and don't forget to check out your state thread for your neighbors if they know https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/248345/pennsylvania-unite Good luck figuring out the ordinances and hope all works out and you get chickens soon!

Welcome to BYC!

Ah...a lurker! So glad you finally decided to join!

Lots of great info has been given you here on coops, laws and your state thread. You might also want to look at a couple of nice breeds pages. Both of these have lots of quick fun info that will help you make some decisions.



I really enjoy the Orpington Breeds. They are great layers, very kid friendly, docile, friendly and affectionate. My girls follow me around like drooling puppies looking for goodies and a soft lap! Can't sit anywhere without an Orp wanting on my lap!!

Great to have you aboard and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Hi and welcome to forum, I just came back on from a long hiatus, just wanted to say you'll like here. I lived in Lancaster for 13yrs before moving here to Florida, it's a very nice place.

You might want to check out the Lancaster County Appraisers Office website to see if your property is zoned AR (agricultural). You could also just give them a call as well at 717-299-8381.

Hope this helps
Thank you everyone for the suggestions and warm welcome. Still checking into ordinances but I looked through all the paperwork we got when we purchased our house. It is a residential property but we are zoned for ag. Not sure exactly what that means. The exact code is ag-834 and according to the county website that is for livestock. I will make some calls to find out for sure. In the meantime we have started work on the coop. I will be posting a thread to show our progress.
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