Hello from north Alabama

I'm glad you joined us!

It sounds like you have a wonderful variety of animals! Good luck with all of them.
Waiting for my first flock to arrive via the hatchery! Eight baby chicks. Two Easter Eggers, two Rhode Island Reds, two Black Australorps, and two Golden Campines. This is all very new to me but so excited for their arrival. I am in Northern Alabama on about twelve acres. I Have a solid coop and run so hopefully they will be safe from all of the predators around here.
Fast Forward! Nine chicks arrived on May 18th!! One extra Buff Orpington. All of the hens are now healthy, happy, and huge!! Some of them started to lay eggs about a month ago. They were tiny at first but getting bigger. For the longest time they all slept in a pile on the floor of the coop but they just started to roost in the last few weeks.

My husband installed a sweeter heater to keep their coop above freezing this winter. They are definitely spoiled. Their favorites things are cucumbers, watermelon, meal worms, and raisins.

I also feed them dandelion and clover picked from the grass. They like that as well.
I tried to put some plants in the run but they are devouring everything! Any ideas about safe plants they will not eat?
Fast Forward! Nine chicks arrived on May 18th!! One extra Buff Orpington. All of the hens are now healthy, happy, and huge!! Some of them started to lay eggs about a month ago. They were tiny at first but getting bigger. For the longest time they all slept in a pile on the floor of the coop but they just started to roost in the last few weeks.

My husband installed a sweeter heater to keep their coop above freezing this winter. They are definitely spoiled. Their favorites things are cucumbers, watermelon, meal worms, and raisins.

I also feed them dandelion and clover picked from the grass. They like that as well.
I tried to put some plants in the run but they are devouring everything! Any ideas about safe plants they will not eat?

Glad to hear things are working out well. If you go to the Learning Center, under the Housing and Feeding section there are a few articles on chicken proofing your garden and plants chickens won't eat.

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