Hello from Prague... Uh Oklahoma

Hi Buddy and welcome to BYC:frow We're so happy you've decided to join us:ya

What are your goals with your feed? (i.e., Non-GMO, Organic, soy free, etc) or does any of it matter? If you can get them, I would suggest you look for Cobb 500 or Ross 708 CXs as they are a bit slower growing and do better on grass. When I raise meat birds, they get an 18% non-GMO feed from day one. I feed them morning and evening. My brooder is setup like a triangle: heat, food and water. On day one, I'll mix some sand, chick grit and feed together and spread it on a news paper. After that they get chick grit regularly. Also, on day one they get gro-gel mixed with their feed. I'll also add broiler booster to their water starting on day 2 and continuing until they're 3 weeks. Mine spend 3 weeks in the brooder and 35 days on pasture. Once on pasture I regulate their feed to what they can consume in 45 minutes, twice a day and they move every day, and sometimes twice a day.
Thank you everyone for your replies and welcomes. I would have replied sooner, but got knocked out over the weekend with a virus. :thI look forward to being on here and learning. Been great so far.

Thank you very much, that was great. It really helps me understand it better so I can ask smarter questions about grit. Am going to keep reading that thread, and probably re-read it a couple of times to be sure I get it all.

Hi Buddy and welcome to BYC:frow We're so happy you've decided to join us:ya

What are your goals with your feed? (i.e., Non-GMO, Organic, soy free, etc) or does any of it matter? If you can get them, I would suggest you look for Cobb 500 or Ross 708 CXs as they are a bit slower growing and do better on grass. When I raise meat birds, they get an 18% non-GMO feed from day one. I feed them morning and evening. My brooder is setup like a triangle: heat, food and water. On day one, I'll mix some sand, chick grit and feed together and spread it on a news paper. After that they get chick grit regularly. Also, on day one they get gro-gel mixed with their feed. I'll also add broiler booster to their water starting on day 2 and continuing until they're 3 weeks. Mine spend 3 weeks in the brooder and 35 days on pasture. Once on pasture I regulate their feed to what they can consume in 45 minutes, twice a day and they move every day, and sometimes twice a day.

Yes I plan Non-GMO, Organic, soy free. Thanks for the details on the other things you feed your broilers. That was something I wasn't sure if I should do and need to research, have given me a great starting point.
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