Hello! I have 12 new chicks!

Hello, I just bought 15 chicks on the 9th and sadly 3 of them have passed, they were very small and weak. So, now I have 12, I have made sure everything in the brooder is the way is should be. They are about 10 days old and are thriving! There does not seem to be any sign of disease, So all is well so far!

I am new to chickens, these are my very first although did a LOT of research before getting them and I feel that that has helped. I own 6 Rhode island reds 2 brahmas 3 Ameraucana and 1 buff orpington. I had originally wanted orpingtons and no Rhode island reds, but.. the feed barn I had gone to told that the reds where buffs, 3 days later im trying to find out what breed the little blond one is and I discover she is the only buff and the other "buffs" where reds. But they are active and healthy little girls so far and are great egg layers so they'll stay.

I have had dogs most of my life but have had many different animals I currently own 2 rabbits,3 parakeets,1 guinea pig and 3 dogs. I love all of them! I hope I make as few mistakes as possible being new at this an all!

sincerely, click cluck!:jumpy
Greetings and welcome to BYC! So glad you joined us. Sorry that you lost some of your starter flock. It's sad, but all too common. The chicks go through a lot of stress before they end up at their final destination. There's a wealth of info, knowledge and experience shared in the multitude of threads. Browse around and see what interesting stuff you can find. By all means post away when the desire strikes you, especially if you have questions (provide as much detail/info as possible and pictures truly help)... With all the great folks here, generally someone will respond in no time at all. Please make yourself at home!

Oh, if you haven't done so already, PLEASE put at least your general location in your profile. It could be very important if/when you ask for or offer help or advice. You know, climate issues and such. Old folks like me :old will never remember from this thread. To add it, mouse hover over Account top right and a drop down will appear. Click on Personal Details and scan down. You'll see the spot for Location. Then go to the bottom and save changes. Thanks! Hope you enjoy the site!
Greetings and welcome to BYC! So glad you joined us. Sorry that you lost some of your starter flock. It's sad, but all too common. The chicks go through a lot of stress before they end up at their final destination. There's a wealth of info, knowledge and experience shared in the multitude of threads. Browse around and see what interesting stuff you can find. By all means post away when the desire strikes you, especially if you have questions (provide as much detail/info as possible and pictures truly help)... With all the great folks here, generally someone will respond in no time at all. Please make yourself at home!

Oh, if you haven't done so already, PLEASE put at least your general location in your profile. It could be very important if/when you ask for or offer help or advice. You know, climate issues and such. Old folks like me :old will never remember from this thread. To add it, mouse hover over Account top right and a drop down will appear. Click on Personal Details and scan down. You'll see the spot for Location. Then go to the bottom and save changes. Thanks! Hope you enjoy the site!
Thanks for the advice about the location I will do that! Ive always observed that people with chickens seem to be very nice, and I'm glad, I am a person who loves to learn new things and am very greatfull for this forum! thank you for the warm welcome!
Hi and welcome to our community and congrats on your new littles.

Here’s a link to the Articles section - https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/ There you’ll find lots of information on almost every aspect of keeping chickens - from coop building ideas, to incubating eggs.

There’s a link on the page above to the Learning Centre - it’s a great resource. If you have a specific topic in mind, just type it in the search box - there's a wealth of information on past and present threads.

Each week, various topics are discussed, which can also be a great resource - https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/topic-of-the-week-thread-archive

You may wish to consider joining your state thread as it will put you in touch with other BYC members in your area - Find Your State Thread

Best wishes

Pork Pie
G’Day from down under click cluck :frow Welcome and Congratulations! :clap

Chick Sympathy.jpg

I do hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

If you would like to share Pictures and Stories of your flock, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out ;)

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