Hello Peep Peoples!

Chroma Critters

5 Years
Nov 5, 2017
Just took the plunge and actually signed up for an account. Gonna go ahead and follow the suggested new member questions though 'cause I am kind of horrible at introducing myself!

1: I am not new to chickens, but since information and treatments change all the time, I kind of look at myself as a life long learner of critter care and husbandry. My parents had chickens when I was a child and my first nemesis was a Rhode Island Red Rooster which would fly across running water to beat the heck out of me. That was many many years ago though.
I took a break from birds, and every other type of critter, while active duty in the military and for a few years after that as I reintegrated into civilian living, but started back up in 2007-ish with a small floc of around 10 birds.

2: Currently, I live on 5 acres and keep around 50 running around. Life has been good to us so far, but I do have the problem of crows dropping into the coup, stealing eggs and hazing my girls.

3: My floc is actually broken up by size, with a small birds run including: Belgian Antwerp, Golden Seabrights, d'Uccle, Brahma, Japanese, Silver Laced Bronze Wyandotte, Silkie, Cochin, and other various mixed breeds of Bantam. My large bird run houses: Production Red, Araucana, Barnevelder, Blue Cochin, Java, Maran, Orpington, Polish, Sussex, Delaware, and Wyandotte as well as 2 Plymouth Rock roosters.

4: I found out about this site while doing a google search for some hints on an ailing bird. The information saved my bird and I have been lurking every since!

5: My hobby list is huge. Aside from work and family, I sculpt mythical creatures that can be as small as 4 mm in height to 12 feet tall. I work in many materials including water clay, plaster, pal tiya, two part putty, wax, polymer clay, and many mold making and casting materials.
I also love to read, draw, sew, quilt, embroiderer, paint ceramics, ride horses, play computer games, and sip coco in front of a warm fire place on cold snowy days like today!

6: My family consists of my son and daughter, husband, 6 dogs, 2 cats, 2 horses, 30 goats, 8 rabbits, and all my birds. My job keeps me hopping, as I am "The Water People" up in the city of Federal Way, WA.

Anyways, I hope this gives a good introduction to who I am and I really hope to give as much quality information as I have gotten over the years on this forum.

Thank you all,


Hi Brandy, great introduction, thanks for joining us! I'm glad to hear BYC has been helpful to you as it has to many people. What a great variety of birds you keep, feel free to share a photo or two with us.

If you'd like to chat with other members in WA, you can find your state thread with this link:find-your-states-thread.270925

See you around the boards!

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