Hello & thank you

Welcome to the forum.

Australorps are lovely chickens. I used to have them when I had chickens before.

You can put the pitch of your roof anyway you want the water to drain. It doesn't have to run front to back or back to front, you can pitch it to either side if you want to direct the runoff that way.
Hi and welcome to BYC - great to have you join us. Good luck with your planning and do let us know when you get your chickens!

All the best

If you'd like to meet other members in FL, come say hello on our state thread:

No matter what breed you get, be sure to put your coop where it will have plenty of shade for our long warm days. These are some other things that will make your chickens more comfortable:
* Extra waterers
* Cooling treats like grapes & melons
* Dust bathing area
* Shade cloth over their run
* Box fan in the coop, angled not blow directly on them
* Lots of ventilation in the coop...we replace windows and the front & back people door with hardware cloth for more circulation

I have red sex links, Rhode Island Red, Speckled Sussex and Barred Plymouth Rock in my mixed flock. They all get through the heat & humidity with varying degrees of discomfort but by taking extra precautions like the ones noted above, we haven't lost any to the heat.

Good luck to you, thanks for joining us!

Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to joined the BYC family. I look forward to seeing you around BYC. NorthFLChick gave you really good advice. Good luck! :)

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