Hello! Totally new to chickens but learning


8 Years
Apr 8, 2016
Southwest Missouri
Hello! I have wanted chickens my whole life, so when my family and I moved to a new house with a big yard, right outside city limits, I couldn't wait. My husband wasn't so thrilled about the idea but he told me Tuesday I could pick up 2. I came home with 4 haha, a jubilee orpington, buff orpington, lavender orpington and an olive egger. Then, after thinking about the possibility of at least of them turning out to be a rooster, I went back and picked up 3 more buffs
. The lady I got them from is a friend of mine so she has been and will be a huge help in getting started so I am pretty good at the moment but I can't wait to learn more and of course to see them grow and finally lay me some eggs! Anyway, here is the good part..pictures of the little chicks.

Welcome to BYC - sounds like you are a natural at chicken math, lol. To help your cause tell your husband that it is a bad idea to start with two because if something happens to one (and things do happen) you have a lone chick/chicken (depending on when something happens) and that is a bad situation. You have the beginnings of a beautiful little flock there!

Beautiful little chicks you have there, thanks for sharing the pictures.

You might enjoy chatting with others from MO. Just type your state name in the search box and your state thread should come back in the results.

Enjoy the chicks!
I like the way you think - you'll do great with chickens and. If you ever run out of reasons/excuses - I'm sure others will have plenty of tried & true, responses for hubbies.
PS it is absolutely better to get your chicks around the same time - adding young birds to established flock later can be traumatic to all concerned.
Thanks everyone! The husband is coming around. He sat with me yesterday and watched them run, hop and scratch around for about 15 minutes. Also when we were discussing the size of coop I needed and I said I would need one for eventually 15(ish) he didn't argue..we'll he looked at me like I was crazy but he didn't say no. Hahaha! I have been having fun looking at pictures of everyone elses chicks and trying to guess what mine are going to be. I am pretty sure my lone lavender will be a roo. But I guess that is part of the fun, guessing the sex.
Thanks everyone! The husband is coming around. He sat with me yesterday and watched them run, hop and scratch around for about 15 minutes. Also when we were discussing the size of coop I needed and I said I would need one for eventually 15(ish) he didn't argue..we'll he looked at me like I was crazy but he didn't say no. Hahaha! I have been having fun looking at pictures of everyone elses chicks and trying to guess what mine are going to be. I am pretty sure my lone lavender will be a roo. But I guess that is part of the fun, guessing the sex.

Chickens have a way of worming their way into even the most resistant of hearts, lol.

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