

Hi, there are so many awesome breeds to choose from...why not establish a mixed flock with several different breeds? Make yourself at home and if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you! Yes I'm contemplating over an assorted mix through TSC or purchasing a few different ones from my backyard chickens.
I like your vision of the future -- "quirky" chickens and fresh food that you've grown yourself.

Congrats on during your research before you get your chickens; some of us (me included) do that in reverse order! But, choosing breeds can be overwhelming because of the vast number of choices.

Hatcheries often send free catalogs to prospective buyers; I've used the chart in the back of Hoover's, for example, to help narrow my choices. It's easy to see at a glance alleged temperament (every bird is an individual), weight, seasonal hardiness, as well as egg color, size and quantity. I'm a fan of mixed flocks because I like the variety in egg and feather colors.

Welcome to BYC, and best wishes with whatever breed(s) you choose! Let us know when you get your first chickens, please. And best of luck with your garden!
Thank you! I'll have to look at that catalog. My major worry is seasonal hardiness as Temps can go from one extreme to the other here.

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