Help! 7 mo hen can barley lift head-leaning a lot to the right-seams drunk


6 Years
Sep 14, 2013
So I first picked up one of the 2, 7 mo old chicks from a friend bc one was picking on the other. I warned about depression and sure enough a few days later he asked if I would take the other bc she was sad. When I picked her up she barely lifting her head off he ground. Totally thought it was just depression. Got the two back together, figured out that #1 is a rooster, have a set up in my living room bc they have been inside this whole winter and it's too cold to integrate with the rest of my flock. They snuggled together and went to sleep. Next morning things were kind of the same. When I got home from work #2 was laying on her side, feet out, looking kind of like death. Proped her up against the wall and a towel nest. A vet tech told me to give amoxicillin. Crushed a bit of it up and she actually ate it!! Got her to drink some water. She looking better this morning, but still kind of drunk like movements. She leans to the right a lot, but again propped up and she will stand a little on her own. She keeps on trying to eat her own poop and the other's poo. Keeping area clean. Should I continue with amoxicillin? I also have some diatomaceous earth that could help with possible parasite??? May dehydrate her though.... I am 3 years into this and this is the first time I may have a sick chicken or is it just severe depression????? Please let me know what I should feed her- Amox? DE? Reg feed? Hopefully she'll keep getting better. How long once she's back to normal do I have to wait before I integrate with rest of flock? If she is sick I don't want the others to be also. Thank you so much for your help and time!!!! Sincerely, Jessica and Booger
She may just be dehydrated and weak from not eating much, but coccidiosis can also be a problem, especially when staying inside in a small space. I would give vitamins and electrolytes in the water, and try to make her drink as often as possible today and tomorrow. Take a little chicken feed, and put water into that making a runny gruel. Eating that will get more fluids into her. Coccidosis signs are lethargy, weakness, diarrhea or blood in droppings, standing around puffed up or hunched, and refusing to eat. The usual treatment is Corid (amprollium) 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5 days. It won't harm the other one. Standard time for keeping new chickens quarantined is at least 30 days or more. I would also read about Mareks disease just in case her symptoms get worse, or she becomes lame.
Thanks !! She's eating the paste! Should I stop with the amoxicillin? Prob going to order the stuff you suggested online so may take a while to get here.... So this sounds like more then depression to you?

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